Lorenzo Vicari

Lorenzo Vicari

PhD Candidate

Department of Government

Connect with me

English, French, Italian, Spanish
Key Expertise
Political Economy, Causal Inference, Economic History, Formal Theory

About me

Lorenzo’s work examines public policy under autocracy through a quantitative, historical lens. Specifically, he is focusing on the legacies of repression, propaganda, and infrastructural development in fascist Italy. He is also interested in formal theory and has developed a model of access journalism, highlighting its connection to media "crookedness" claims. He has taught in three courses in political economy, helped organise the last two editions of the Behavioural Political Economy Workshop, co-founded the London Seminar for Graduate Political Science, and organised LSE's weekly PSPE Work in Progress Seminar for two years.

Research interests

  • Political Economy
  • Causal Inference
  • Economic History
  • Formal Theory


  • Stephane Wolton
  • Nelson Ruiz
  • Rafael Hortala-Vallve
  • Valentino Larcinese