Donations to LSE IDEAS help to support us in continuing to provide world-class teaching and research in the field of foreign policy and international relations. 

In IDEAS we certainly hope we have something worthwhile to offer a global public hungry for analysis rather than soundbites, open debate rather than cheap posturing.

LSE IDEAS Founder, Professor Michael Cox

LSE is privileged to enjoy the generous support of alumni and friends who choose to express their support for LSE IDEAS through philanthropy.

Every gift you make, no matter the size, is a demonstration of faith in our think-tank and an investment in the School’s future as a world leading social science institution. Thank you.

  Make a gift from the USA

Make a gift from the UK and Overseas (excl. USA)

 Donations to LSE IDEAS go towards supporting:

  • Setting up scholarships for participants on the Executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy to widen participation
  • Allowing our research projects to continue with their world-class research
  • Establishing leading conferences at renowned institutions around the globe to disseminate our work and make real change to policy

If you are unable to make a donation but are still interested in the work LSE IDEAS does then register to our mailing list or for more information email