DS101 – Fundamentals of Data Science
This course is designed to introduce students to data science and its practice: how it works and how it can produce insights from social, political, and economic data.
More information:
DS101 course GitHub page
DS101A (Autumn Term) course guide
DS105 – Data for Data Science
This course will cover the fundamentals of data, with an aim to understanding how data is generated, how it is collected, how it must be transformed for use and storage, how it is stored, and the ways it can be retrieved and communicated.
More information:
DS105 course GitHub page
DS105A (Autumn Term) course guide
DS105W (Winter Term) course guide
DS202 – Data Science for Social Scientists
This module extends the foundation of probability and statistics with an introduction to the most important concepts in data science and applied machine learning, with social science examples.
More information:
DS202 course GitHub page
DS202A (Autumn Term) course guide
DS202W (Winter Term) course guide
DS205 – Advanced Data Manipulation
This module offers an advanced alternative to our DS105 module. The primary objective of this module is to equip students with the skills to collect and manage ‘real data’ in a computationally efficient manner. The course emphasises practical learning using Python and provides live coding demonstrations during all lectures and seminars. With the use of such a programming tool, the aim to ensure students learn advanced data manipulation techniques for unstructured data such as text and the use of natural language processing methods such as APIs to process text using AI tools and large language models.
More information:
DS205W course GitHub page
DS205W (Winter Term) course guide
Students will need to demonstrate knowledge in programming by having completed courses such as Data for Data Science (DS105), Programming for Data Science (ST101) or alternatively summer school training courses such as Data Engineering for the Social World (ME204) and Macroeconomics I (EC1B1). Should you have any other training that demonstrates a knowledge in programming, please contact the DSI to verity its suitability as a prerequisite. Contact DSI.Ug@lse.ac.uk.
Key contact
Got a question about the DSI? Get in touch with our Teaching and Assessment Administrator who will be happy to help current students at any stage of their LSE journey.
In addition to opportunities to study, the DSI offers an events programme to give LSE students the chance to benefit from world leading multidisciplinary expertise. These events include seminars, workshops, public lectures and careers networking sessions.