Lilie Chouliaraki is Professor in Media and Communications at LSE. Her research focuses on the mediation of human vulnerability, the ethics of witnessing and the cultural politics of victimhood. She has explored those in four key domains of communication: disaster news, humanitarian and human rights communication, migration and war. She is the author of, among others, The Spectatorship of Suffering (2006), The Ironic Spectator. Solidarity in the Age of Post-humanitarianism (2013) and The Digital Border: Migration, Technology, Power (with Myria Georgiou, 2022). Her most recent book, Wronged. The Weaponization of Victimhood (Columbia University Press 2024), is on the strategic uses of the victim in the communication of far-right actors in western public spheres.
Research interests: Lilie Chouliaraki contributes to the Culture, Identity and Rights research theme of the HO and is associated with HO project on Gender roles and gender inequality – the position of women in Greece/Cyprus.