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Journal articles

The Hellenic Observatory collaborates with publishers or other institutions to produce published monographs, edited volumes and conference proceedings. Below is a selective list of publications produced under the auspices of the HO or by its staff.

Recent Publications


Tested by the COVID-19 economic shock: peace-positive entrepreneurship and intergroup collaboration in post-conflict business recovery

Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Denisa Kostovicova, Fikret Čaušević, Conflict, Security & Development, Taylor & Francis, 9 October 2024 

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Constructing a governmental vision of happiness: Insights from Greece

Philipp Katsinas, Dimitris Soudias, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, August 2024 

Past Publications


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Transmuting solidarity: hybrid-economic practices in the social economy in Greece

Dimitris Soudias, Journal of Cultural Economy, November 2023


Summertime and the drivin’ is easy? Daylight saving time and vehicle accidents

Ioannis Laliotis, Giuseppe Moscelli and Vassilis Monastiriotis  
Health Economics, 2023


Fiscal Sustainability: Interest Rates, Growth and Debt-based Policy Rules

George Economides and Apostolis Philippopoulos
EconPol Forum 24, July 2023


When Do Crises Centralise Decision-making? The Core Executive in the Greek Economic Crisis

Kevin Featherstone, Dimitris Papadimitriou
Journal of European Public Policy, June 2023


The Changing Discourses of EU Enlargement: a Longitudinal Analysis of National Parliamentary Debates

Spyros Economides, Kevin Featherstone, Tom Hunter
Journal of Common Market Studies, April 2023




Government Debt Accumulation and non-Performing Loans: an ARDL bounds testing approach

Maria Karadima and Helen Louri
Economics and Business Letters, July 2022

Southeast European and Black Sea Studies

Why Resist?: opposition to mask-wearing during the covid-19 pandemic in Greece

Athanasia Chalari
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, July 2022


Ekonomi-tek Issue Cover Image

Regional Inequalities in Greece During a Time of Flux 

Burhan Can Karahasan and Vassilis Monastiriotis
Ekonomi-tek, 10 (3), 173-200, 1 December 2021

Journal of International Financial Markets

The Single Supervisory Mechanism and its implications for the profitability of European Banks

Ioanna Avgeri, Yiannis Dendramis and Helen Louri Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Septemper 2021

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Subjects in crisis: Paradoxes of emancipation and alter-neoliberal critique

Dimitris Soudias
The Sociological Review, SAGE Journals, 24 May 2021

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Professionalisation of short-term rentals and emergent tourism gentrification in post-crisis Thessaloniki

Philipp Katsinas
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, SAGE Journals, 20 January 2021  


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Narratives of Leaving and Returning to Homeland: The Example of Greek Brain Drainers Living in the UK

Athanasia Chalari and Efi-Irini Koutantou
Sociological Research Online, SAGE Journals, 29 October 2020

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Which Firms Survive in a Crisis? Investigating Gibrat’s Law in Greece 2001–2014

Christos Axioglou, Nicos Christodoulakis
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics,

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Crisis, Adjustment and Resilience in the Greek Labor Market: an unemployment decomposition approach

Vassilis Monastiriotis, Angelo Martelli
International Regional Science Review , 6 October 2020


Non-performing Loans in the Euro Area: does bank market power matter?

Maria Karadima, Helen Louri
International Review of Financial Analysis, November 2020


The Single Supervisory Mechanism and its Implications for the Profitability of European Banks 

Ioanna Avgeri, Yiannis Dendramis, Helen Louri
Bank of Greece Working Paper, October 2020


The Economic Effects of political disintegration: lessons from Serbia and Montenegro 

Vassilis Monastiriotis, Ivan Zilic
European Journal of Political Economy, 21 August 2020


Minimum Wages and Firm Employment: evidence from a minimum wage reduction in Greece 

Andreas Georgiadis, Ioannis Kaplanis & Vassilis Monastiriotis
Economics Letters, Volume 193, August 2020

Journal of Elections

Crisis and Extremism. How Does an Extreme Far Right Emerge in a Modern Democracy? Evidence from Greece’s Golden Dawn

Costas Roumanias, Spyros Skouras & Nicos Christodoulakis
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 15 June 2020

Springer - Open Economies REview

The Sustainability of External Imbalances in the European Periphery 

Vassilis Monastiriotis and Cigdem Borke Tunali 
Open Economies Review, 31(2), 273-294, 7 May 2020

20.03.20 Dahrendorf Forum

From Fatigue to Resistance: EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans

Spyros Economides
Dahrendorf Forum IV, 20 March 2020

Journal of Risk And Financial Management

Bank Competition and Credit Risk in Euro Area Banking: fragmentation and convergence dynamics

Maria Karadima, Helen Louri
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16 March 2020


Economic Policy Uncertainty and non-Performing Loans: the moderating role of bank concentration

Maria Karadima, Helen Louri
Finance Research Letters, February 2020



Summertime and the drivin’ is easy? Daylight Saving Time and vehicle accidents

Ioannis Laliotis, Guiseppe Moscelli & Vassilis Monastiriotis
LEQS Paper No. 150/2019, December 2019

Katsoulacos Springer

On the choice of legal standards: a positivetheory for comparative analysis

Yannis Katsoulacos
European Journal of Law and Economics, October 2019

Sotiropoulos State Societ Relations

State-Society Relations in Greece Before and After the Recent Economic Crisis

Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos
CGK Working Paper no.2019-06 
The Fletcher School,Tufts University, May 2019

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Transition Dynamics in European Labour Markets During Crisis and Recovery

Vassilis Monastiriotis, Corrado Macchiarelli and Nikole Lampropoulou
Comparative Economic Studies, 14 March 2019 



Dimitri Sotiropoulos- Study

The Backsliding of Democracy in Today's Greece 

Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, December 2018


Sustainability and Fairness in the Greek Social Security System

Nicos Christodoulakis
Wiley Online Library, 21 September 2018



Anthropology Daniel Knight

Alternatives to austerity

Edited by Laura Bear, Department of Anthropology, LSE and Daniel M. Knight, Visiting Fellow, Hellenic Observatory, LSE

Special Issue of AnthopologyToday
October 2017 

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Eurobank Economy & Markets 
From a vicious to a virtuous cycle? ‘Turning Greece into an attractive investment destination: Opportunities and Challenges’

Nikolaos Karamouzis (Eurobank Ergasias S.A. & Hellenic Bank Association), Platon Monokroussos, (Eurobank Ergasias S.A. and Hellenic Obervatory, LSE) and Tasos Anastasatos   (Eurobank) September 2017


Contested Landscapes of Poverty and Homelessness In Southern Europe

Arapoglou, Vassilis P., Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Crete and Gounis, Kostas, Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Crete
September 2017 


Conversations. The Promise of Humanities and Social Sciences

Eleni Andriakaina, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens and Rosa Vasilaki, Research Associate, Hellenic Observatory, LSE
September 2017

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Reform dynamics in Greek democracy today: Stagnation and reform in rule of law, mass media and social inclusion

Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, Hellenic Observatory Research Associate

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office, July 2017

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Fiscal policy relaxation in a depressed economy - Can there be a “Free Lunch” for Greece?

Platon Monokroussos, Visiting Professor in Practice, Hellenic Observatory & Group Chief Economist, Eurobank Ergasias S.A, July 2017

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A quantitative assessment of the agreement on Greece reached at the Eurogroup of 15 June 2017

Platon Monokroussos, Hellenic Observatory Senior Visiting Fellow & Group Chief Economist, Eurobank Ergasias S.A
May 2017

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Greece: How much relief is actually needed to restore public debt sustainability

Platon Monokroussos, Hellenic Observatory Senior Visiting Fellow & Group Chief Economist, Eurobank Ergasias S.A

May 2017

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The Greek Cypriot Nationalist Right in the Era of British Colonialism

Yiannos Katsourides, Director of the Prometheus Research Institut (Nicosia) and Visiting Fellow, Hellenic Observatory, LSE

Springer, May 2017

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Greece Expenditure on Social Protection and Pensions: How generous it is by international standards and relative to the rest of the EU?

Platon Monokroussos, Hellenic Observatory Senior Visiting Fellow & Group Chief Economist, Eurobank Ergasias S.A, March 2017

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Greece: 2017 Economic Outlook

Monokroussos, Platon; Anastasatos, Tassos; Stamatiou, Theodoros; Dimitriadou, Anna; Gogos, Stylianos G.
Greece Macro Monitor, March 2017

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Greece: Contrasting the views of the EU Institutions and the IMF staff on the outlook of Greek economy and the present bailout programme

Platon Monokroussos, Hellenic Observatory Senior Visiting Fellow & Group Chief Economist, Eurobank Ergasias S.A Greece Macro Monitor, February 2017

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Yet Another Greco-German Imbalance

Dr Angelos Chryssogelos, former Research Fellow at the Hellenic Observatory, published a review on the book 'Against the Troika: Crisis and Austerity in the Eurozone', by Heiner Flassbeck and Costas Lapavitsas EuropeNow Journal, January 2017


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The Sociology of the Individual-Relating Self and Society

Athanasia Chalari, former A.C. Laskaridis Post-Doctoral Fellow; University of Northampton, London School of Economics & Political Science
SAGE Publishing 2016

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Researching Housing Exclusion and Homelessness in Southern Europe: Learning Through Comparing Cities and Tracking Policies

Vassilis Arapoglou, Department of Sociology, University of Crete

10th Anniversary Issue of the European Journal of Homelessness, Volume 10, No. 3 2016

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Research Paper

The EU’s Crisis of Governance and European Foreign Policy

Angelos Chryssogelos, former National Bank of Greece Postdoctoral Fellow; Teaching Fellow in International Relations & Politics, King's College London

Chatham House, November 2016

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The Achievements of Cohesion Policy: long-period evidence on the factors conditioning success and failure from 15 selected regions

Crescenzi R., Fratesi U. and Monastiriotis V.
Ch.6 in Dotti, N.F. (ed), Learning from Implementation and Evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy: lessons from a research-policy dialogue, RSA Research Network on Cohesion Policy, Brussels 2016

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External asymmetries in the euro area and the role of foreign direct investment

Christodoulakis, Nicos; Sarantides, Vassilis

The World Economy, June 2016

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LSE Hellenic Observatory Policy Paper

Towards a new social contract: Greek pensions halfway through adjustment

Tinios, Platon

April 2016

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feature article on Professor Kevin Featherstone's and Professor Dimitris Papadimitriou's presention of their latest book 'Prime Ministers and the Paradox of Power in Greece' as part of the Megaron Lecture Series was published in the European Court of Auditors (ECA) Journal.

The edition also features an interview with both Professors, titled 'How far can Europe intervene into national administrative processes?'

March 2016

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Ethnographies of Austerity: Temporality, Crisis and Affect in Southern Europe

Knight, Daniel M.

History and Anthropology, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1-18, January 2016

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On Critical Times: Return, Repetition, and the Uncanny Present

Bryant, Rebecca

History and Anthropology, Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 19-31, January 2016



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Greece Macroeconomic Outlook 2016 - Eurobank Global Markets Research

Monokroussos, Platon; Anastasatos, Tassos; Petropoulou
Paraskevi;Stamatiou, Theodoros
Greece Macro Monitor, December 2015


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La Crisis Griega 2010-18: Una Vision Desde Dentro

Lyberaki, Antigone and Tinios, Platon

Revista de Economica Crítica, no 20, pp159-171, October 2015

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A Financial Crisis Manual: Reflections on the Road Ahead

Thomakos, Dimitrios; Monokroussos, Platon; Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos (Co-editors)

Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions

October 2015

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Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power

Featherstone, Kevin and Papadimitriou, Dimitris Oxford University Press, June 2015

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'Wit and Greece's economic crisis: Ironic slogans, food, and anti-austerity sentiments'

Knight, Daniel M.
American Ethnologist, Volume 42, Issue 2,  pages 230–246, May 2015


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History, Time, and Economic Crisis in Central Greece

Knight, Daniel M., Visiting Fellow at the Hellenic Observatory and Foreword by Robert Layton

Palgrave Macmillan, May 2015



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The evolution of wage returns across the Greek regions during the crisis

Monastiriotis, Vassilis

To be published in the Conference Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London, 27-28 November, 2014

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Convergence through Crisis? The Impact of the crisis on the wage returns across the Greek regions

Monastiriotis, Vassilis

Region et Developpement, 2014, November, vol.39

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The regional impact of EU association agreements: lessons for the ENP from the CEE experience

Monastiriotis V., Kallioras D. and Petrakos G.

LEQS Discussion Paper No80, October 2014

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Between equity, efficiency and redistribution: An analysis of revealed allocation criteria of regional public investment in Greece

Monastiriotis V. and Psycharis Y.

European Urban and Regional Studies, 2014 ,vol.21, No.4, pp.445-462

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Economic Crisis, Social Solidarity and the Voluntary Sector in Greece

Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A, Visiting Fellow, Hellenic Observatory and Bourikos, Dimitris

Journal of Power, Politics & Governance June 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 33-53

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Civil Society in Greece in the Wake of the Economic Crisis

Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A, Visiting Fellow, Hellenic Observatory

Report published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and ELIAMEP, 2014

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External conditionality and the debt crisis: the ‘Troika’ and public administration reform in Greece

Featherstone, Kevin, Journal of European Public Policy, September 2014

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The Subjective Experiences of Three Generations during the Greek Economic Crisis

Chalari, Athanasia

World Journal of Social Science Research, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 89-109, 2014

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The social situation of Greece under the crisis; Basic socio-economic data for Greece, 2013

Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A, Visiting Fellow, Hellenic Observatory

Report published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, May 2014

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Regional Growth and National Development: Transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the Regional Kuznets Curve in the East and the West

Monastiriotis, Vassilis

Spatial Economic Analysis, Volume 9,  Issue 2, pp-142-161, 2014.

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The public-private duality in wage reforms and adjustment during the Greek crisis

Monastiriotis, Vassilis and Christopoulou, Rebekka

Research Paper no.9, Crisis Observatory (ELIAMEP)

April 2014


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The Slow Growth and Sudden Demise of Supplementary Pension Provision in Cyprus

Casey,Bernard,  and Yiallouros, Panayiotis 
Cyprus Economic Policy Review, Online. 25-51. ISSN 1450-4561, 2013.

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Austerity measures in crisis countries — results and impact on mid-term development

Monastiriotis, Vassilis and Hardiman, Niamh and Regan, Aidan and Goretti, Chiara and Landi, Lucio and Ignacio Conde-Ruiz, J. and Marín, Carmen and Cabral, Ricardo

Intereconomics, 48 (1). 4-32. ISSN 0020-5346, 2013

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The Greek public sector wage premium before the crisis: size, selection and relative valuation of characteristics 

Christopoulou, Rebekka and Monastiriotis, Vassilis

British journal of industrial relations, Online. ISSN 0007-1080, 2013.

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The Cypriot Economic Collapse - More Than a Conventional South European Failure

Adonis Pegasiou,  Research Associate, European University Cyprus Research Centre ; Visiting Fellow, LSE Hellenic Observatory

Journal of Mediterranean Politics, 2013



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Between equity, efficiency and redistribution: an analysis of revealed allocation criteria of regional public investment in Greece

Authors: Monastiriotis, Vassilis and Psycharis, Yiannis

European Urban and Regional Studies, Online. 1-18. ISSN 1461-7145, 2012


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Featherstone, K. (2011), The Greek sovereign debt crisis and EMU: a failing state in a skewed regimeJournal of common market studies, 49 (2). pp. 193-217. ISSN 0021-9886. , 49 (2). pp. 193-217. ISSN 0021-9886.

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Monastiriotis, V. & Alegria, R. (2011), Origin of FDI and intra-industry domestic spillovers: the case of Greek and European FDI in Bulgaria. Review of development economics, 15 (2). pp. 326-339. ISSN 1363-6669.


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Bartlett, W. & Monastiriotis, V. (eds.) (2010), South Eastern Europe after the economic crisis: a new dawn or back to business as usual? LSE Research on South East Europe, London, UK.

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Economides, S. & Ker-Lindsay, J. (2010), Forging EU foreign policy unity from diversity: the 'unique case' of the Kosovo Status Talks'European foreign affairs review, 15 (4). pp. 495-510. ISSN 1384-6299., 15 (4). pp. 495-510. ISSN 1384-6299.

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Economides, S., Ker-Lindsay, J. & Papadimitriou, D. (2010), Kosovo: four futures. Survival, 52 (5). pp. 99-116. ISSN 0039-6338., 52 (5). pp. 99-116. ISSN 0039-6338.

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Monastiriotis, V. Petrakos, G. (2010), Twenty years of economic transition in the Balkans: transition failures and development challenges. Southeastern Europe, 34 (2). pp. 149-169. ISSN 0094-4467.

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Monastiriotis, V. & Zartaloudis, S. (2010), Beyond the crisis: EMU and labour market reform pressures in good and bad times. LSE 'Europe in Question' discussion paper series, LEQS paper no. 23/2010. The European Institute, LSE, London, UK.


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Monastiriotis, V. & Agiomirgianakis, G. (2009), The economics of the Fifth Enlargement: Trade, migration and economic synchronicityJournal of International Trade & Economic Development, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 18(1), pages 3-9.

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Monastiriotis V. & Psycharis Y. (2009),  Types of public investment and the regions: a spatial economic analysis of government spending on Greek prefectures over the period 1976-2005, in Conference Proceedings, 2nd Spatial Econometrics Association World Conference, Barcelona.

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Monastiriotis, V. (2009), Economy: Greece, in 'Central and South-Eastern Europe', Europa Regional Surveys of the World Series, London, Routledge (Europa World Online)


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Monastiriotis V. (2008),  The Geography of Spatial Association across the Greek Regions: Patterns of Persistence and Heterogeneity, ch.1 (pp.17-40) in Coccossis H. and Psycharis Y. (eds), Regional Analysis and Policy: the Greek experience, Springer Verlag [ISBN: 978-3-7908-2085-0].

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Monastiriotis V. (2008) , Unemployment persistence and economic duality in Greece: a regional analysis, in Hardy S. and Bibby-Larsen L. (eds), Working Regions, Conference Proceedings, Regional Studies Association, Seaford.