Dr Anne-Laure Mahe

Dr Anne-Laure Mahe

LSE Fellow in Qualitative Methodology

Department of Methodology

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English, French
Key Expertise
Comparative politics, authoritarianism, development, African studies

About me

Anne-Laure Mahé is an LSE Fellow in Qualitative Methodology in the Department of Methodology.

She received a PhD in political science from the Université de Montréal (2018) and an M.A from Sciences Po Bordeaux. Before joining the LSE, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Montreal Centre for International Studies (CÉRIUM, 2018) and the East Africa research fellow at the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM, Paris) from 2018 to 2022. She has taught and supervised students in comparative politics, development studies and qualitative methods at the Université de Montréal, Sciences Po Paris and the Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint Denis among others. 

Research Interests

Anne-Laure's research interests are at the intersection of comparative politics and development studies. She specializes in the study of authoritarian regimes, conducting research on their dynamics of resilience and change with an interdisciplinary and qualitative approach. Her work looks especially at the role development policies play in reproducing authoritarian domination. 

Her regional focus is on Eastern Africa and specifically Sudan, where she has conducted fieldwork in 2015, 2019 and 2022. 

Her most recent research project relies on qualitative and quantitative data to investigate the implementation of purges in public administrations during both the former Sudanese authoritarian regime (1989-2019) and the current political transition. 

Expertise Details

Comparative politics; authoritarianism; international development; African studies; qualitative methods

Journal Articles

2023, with Stéphanie Martel, « Crisis narratives and institutional resilience: a framework for analysis », Journal of International Relations and Development, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41268-023-00304-3

2020, with Clément Deshayes, «‘Ils ne mourraient pas tous, mais tous étaient frappés’ : Répression et violence structurelle au Soudan », Pôle Sud, 53(2) : 83-99, https://doi.org/10.3917/psud.053.0083

2020, "Manufacturing Sudanese Authoritarianism at the Local Level: Singularities and Banalities of Domination in North Kordofan", Politique Africaine, 158(2) : 57-79, https://doi.org/10.3917/polaf.158.0057 (transl.)

2019, “Aligning epistemology and writing: a literary analysis of qualitative research”, International Studies Perspectives 20.3 : 226-245,https://doi.org/10.1093/isp/ekz004

2018, “A tradition coopted: participatory development and authoritarian rule in Sudan”, Canadian Journal of Political Science 51.2 : 233-252, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008423917000993

2016, “Thriving on chaos: the war in Darfur and the transformations of the authoritarian coalition”, Egypte/Monde arabe, Troisième série, 14, URL: http://ema.revues.org/3590

Other Publications

2021, with Nina Wilén (dir.). “Facing a pandemic : African armies and the fight against COVID-19”, IRSEM/EGMONT Report, n°91, Online : https://www.irsem.fr/media/report-no-91-facing-a-pandemic-african-armies-and-the-fight-against-covid-19.pdf

2020, with Amélie Ferey, “The art of the diplomatic deal: short-term bargain or long-term realignment between Israël and Sudan?”, Notes de recherche de l’IRSEM n°100. Online (transl. https://www.irsem.fr/media/5-publications/2-traductions-mettre-en-ligne.pdf

2020, “A military standoff in Jubaland : a somalian crisis with regional stakes in East Africa”, Notes de recherche de l’IRSEM n°96. Online. https://www.irsem.fr/data/files/irsem/documents/document/file/3250/RP_IRSEM_96%20-%202020.pdf

2019,  « Après la chute : les enjeux de la transition soudanaise », Politique étrangère, hiver(4), 99-112. https://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-etrangere-2019-4-page-99.html

2019, “The security apparatus and the political transition in Sudan” Note de recherche de l’IRSEM n°78. Online. https://www.irsem.fr/data/files/irsem/documents/document/file/3228/RP_IRSEM_78.pdf (transl.)