M. Tsvetkova, T. Yasseri, N. Pescetelli, and T. Werner. 2024. A new sociology of humans and machines. Forthcoming in Nature Human Behaviour.
Y. He and M. Tsvetkova. 2023. A method for estimating individual socioeconomic status of Twitter users. Sociological Methods and Research 0(0):1–36.
M. Tsvetkova, S. Müller, O. Vuculescu, H. Ham, and R. Sergeev. 2022. Relative feedback increases disparities in effort and performance in crowdsourcing contests. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6(CSCW2):536.
M. Tsvetkova, O. Vuculescu, P. Dinev, J. Sherson, C. Wagner. 2022. Inequality and fairness with heterogeneous endowments. PLoS ONE 17(10)
J.E. Kim and M. Tsvetkova. 2021. Cheating in online gaming spreads through observation and victimization. Network Science 9(4):425–442.
M. Tsvetkova. 2021. The effects of reputation on inequality in network cooperation games. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376:20200299.
M.V. Reiss and M. Tsvetkova. 2020. Perceiving education from Facebook profile pictures. New Media & Society 22(3):550–570
M. Tsvetkova, A. Mao, and C. Wagner. 2018. The Emergence of Inequality in Social Groups: Network Structure and Institutions Affect the Distribution of Earnings in Cooperation Games. PLoS ONE, 13(7), e0200965.
M. Tsvetkova, R. García-Gavilanes, L. Floridi, and T. Yasseri. 2017. Even Good Bots Fight: The Case of Wikipedia. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171774.
M. Tsvetkova, R. García-Gavilanes, and T. Yasseri. 2016. Dynamics of Disagreement: Large-Scale Temporal Network Analysis Reveals Negative Interactions in Online Collaboration. Scientific Reports 6:36333.
M. Tsvetkova, O. Nilsson, C. Öhman, L. Sumpter, and D. Sumpter. 2016. An Experimental Study of Segregation Mechanisms. EPJ Data Science 5:4.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2015. The Social Contagion of Antisocial Behavior. Sociological Science 2:36-49.
M.W. Macy and M. Tsvetkova. 2015. The Signal Importance of Noise. Sociological Methods and Research 44(2):306-328.
M. Tsvetkova and M.W. Macy. 2014. The Social Contagion of Generosity. PLOS One 9(2):e87275.
A.K. Shaw, M. Tsvetkova, and R. Daneshvar. 2011. The Effect of Gossip on Social Networks. Complexity 16(4):39-47.