PhD Topic: Perfectionism is on the rise (still): effects and implications on young people in the workplace.
PhD Supervisors: Dr Thomas Curran and Dr Michael Muthukrishna
Pia is an MPhil/PhD candidate in PBS supervised by Dr Thomas Curran and Dr Michael Muthukrishna. She is studying the rise of perfectionism and its effects on young people entering the workplace. Through her research, she aims to add a perspective on the recent developments of perfectionistic tendencies as well as young people's behaviours, thoughts, feelings and needs around joining the workforce and perfectionism.
Prior to starting her PhD at LSE, Pia worked as a Senior Consultant in management consulting where she supported clients in strategy, M&A and new business building by co-creating new products, services and businesses across different industries. Pia acquired an MSc in Psychology with a focus on Social Influence at University of Amsterdam, and a BSc in Psychology at the University of Mannheim including a term abroad at University of Toronto.