Ms Gabriela Cabaña

Ms Gabriela Cabaña

PhD Candidate

Department of Anthropology

Connect with me

English, Spanish
Key Expertise
Energy transitions, bureaucracy, insularity, ecological crisis

About me

Research Topic: Energy planning in Chiloé (south of Chile) in the context of climate emergency.

I am a transdisciplinary scholar trained originally in Sociology in Chile (where I am from) that also draws from political ecology and feminist theoretical perspectives. I have experience on social policy and how it intersects with professional anthropological practice.

I am part of Centro de Análisis Socioambiental (Centre of Social-Environmental Analysis); Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico (Chilean network of Basic Income) and the Basic Income Earth Network

I am also interested in articulating ethnography with engaged research, in alliance with local organising. I participate in the Degrowth movement.

Teaching experience:  Lecturer in Anthropological Theory at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2016) and Anthropology and Public Policy at Universidad Alberto Hurtado (2021) Teaching Assistant of multiple courses on public policy, urban anthropology, methods, etc. between 2011 and 2017.

Supervisors: Dr. Gisa Weszkalnys and Dr. Andrea Pia

Academic CV

Expertise Details

Focus on energy planning as enacted in different territories; how this shapes the relation with the state. Care as feminist approach to economics. Territorial autonomy in the context of neo-colonialism and extractivism

My research