

The Foreign Policy Hub (FPH) at LSE Consulting was created in partnership with LSE IDEAS, the foreign policy think tank of LSE. Working at the intersection of academia and policy practice, LSE IDEAS is a consistently top ranked university-affiliated think tank.

We enable businesses and governments to navigate complex decision-making environments

The Foreign Policy Hub focuses on digital international relations in the information age (Digital IR). We provide accessible insights to decisions-makers in business and governments regarding how technological developments at a regional and global level will affect the world.

Our experts possess technical knowledge in:

-        digital statecraft
-        cybersecurity
-        telecommunications
-        Artifical Intelligence (AI) and machine learning

We enable businesses and governments to navigate complex decision-making environments and help them resolve pressing concerns such as:

  • How should my country or business position itself in the evolving debate around cyberspace governance?
  • What is the impact of geopolitics on national or business plans for digital transformation and technology adoption
  • What role will social media or emerging digital platforms have on the future conduct of international diplomacy?
  • In the world of Big Tech, how can my country build up our own domestic technology capabilities that remain competitive?
  • What are some of the aspects of technology adoption that are less understood but are poised to have major implications for the governing of society?

Our key strengths


World-leading academic knowledge and technical expertise 

Building on the exceptional range and depth of LSE IDEAS’ disciplinary and regional expertise, we bring more than ten years of experience in bridging independent academic research with the practice of diplomacy and strategy.


Global network and regional knowledge

Our researchers are based globally with extensive regional networks, including but not limited to Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe. Our regional networks and expertise allow us to identify context-specific recommendations reflecting local realities.


Unique and critical perspectives

The complex interplay of geopolitics and digital technology is increasingly apparently but often less-understood. We track trends and developments in digital field and the implications for international relations to provide practical recommendations that can be acted upon.


Practical insights

We convert jargon and buzzwords into engaging, digestible analysis and recommendations targeted to policy- and decision-makers.


Longstanding experience

We rely on many former politicians, diplomats, and government officials as senior advisors on our work. Their longstanding experience provides perspective as we look to the future.