People in office

What we offer

Our services focus on making the most of existing data sources to analyse an organisation’s culture. In doing so, we generate impactful insights in different areas of performance.

We measure performance and design actions that steer organisations towards more successful outcomes

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Organisational Culture Surveys
Measuring the culture within the organisation

We have developed and validated survey tools related to themes such as safety culture, employee commitment, teamwork, and sustainability. Working with partner organisations, we apply these to entire industry sectors, such as aviation and energy.

Output - We use surveys to measure employee perceptions of organisational culture to gauge beliefs on organisational values, institutional practices, and behavioural expectations. This data allows us to ‘read the temperature’ of an organisation’s culture and identify strengths and potential areas for development.

More info - For further examples of this work, have a look at:

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Unobtrusive Indicators of Culture
Benchmarking organisational culture relative to a sector

Drawing on advances in data science methodologies, we have developed the ‘Unobtrusive Corporate Culture Assessment Tool’ (UCCAT) to evaluate the culture of large organisations. The tool uses public data, such as earnings calls, investor information, social media, employee online reviews, management composition, organisational reports, and financial data. Through focussing on unobtrusive data, UCCAT provides a more behavioural assessment of culture, with benchmarks provided by peer organisations and sectors.

Output - We measure aspects of culture that may be difficult to reliably evaluate through staff measures (e.g., on risk-taking, ethical conduct, innovative practices, adaptability), and dynamically compare the culture of organisations across industries and through time.

More info - For further examples of this work, have a look at:

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Complaints and Compliments
Organisational culture through the eyes of stakeholders

For organisations that have a strong service-user focus, we assess culture through written complaints and compliments from stakeholders (e.g., healthcare patients, service-users, customers). Stakeholders’ interaction with and observation of organisational practices provide different insights on the organisation's culture, such as how it operates on the front line, at the point of delivery.

Output - We identify potential cultural ‘blindspots’ and areas for improvement (and of excellence) within organisations. Through a systematic analysis of complaints and compliments, we assess how organisations deliver to stakeholders and learn from stakeholders.

More info - For further examples of this work, have a look at:

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Customised Natural Language Processing
Optimising the use of qualitative data

Qualitative data collected by organisations, such as comments in staff and customer surveys, often stay unanalysed. We utilise such data using the latest advances in natural language processing and machine learning to evaluate organisational culture. Our algorithms developed in Python and R enable companies to unlock insights in their own textual datasets, allowing them to get better insights on specific issues (e.g., organisational change, leadership change, restructuring).

Output - We evaluate culture across different parts of an organisation by optimising the use of qualitative data to identify concrete areas for culture improvement. We detect the cultural aspects that are most salient, causing dissatisfaction or anxiety. Utilising artificial intelligence, we examine the language pattern of employees through collating multi-year data, often constituting hundreds of millions of words.