
Research Associate

 How to become a Research Associate at the CPNSS?

CPNSS Research Associates are a key part of the Centre’s aspiration to conduct world-leading philosophical research.

Most of our Research Associates work to develop, submit, and execute grant-funded research hosted by the Centre. (Note: A Research Associate applicant does not have an already successful grant to apply!) We are also open to proposals from prospective RAs who have other ideas for contributing to the research life of the CPNSS.

RA positions are limited in number and subject to review by our managing committee. They are open to any PhD-holding researcher working in areas relevant to the interests of the LSE Philosophy Department or to one the Centre’s research projects. They may be held for up to three years, or longer if a grant is secured.

These positions are not offered on a financial basis (in either direction) – many of our RAs have positions at other institutions or are taking sabbatical leave. RA positions come with a variety of benefits. Our aim is to place Research Associates in an environment where they can develop their ideas, win competitive funding, and support their future career goals. This environment includes the rich intellectual life of the LSE Philosophy Department, the wider School, and various other types of institutional support:

  • An LSE IT account and ID card 

  • Office desk space on campus (typically, subject to availability) 

  • Central LSE grant-writing and budget support and feedback 

  • Support and funding opportunities for organising conferences and workshops 

  • Access to the comprehensive social science collections at the LSE Library

  • Access to all CPNSS research seminars and reading groups 

  • Further research resources across the LSE campus 

The responsibilities of a Research Associate include: 

  • Submitting a grant to be hosted at the CPNSS or some other agreed contribution;

  • Regular participation in research activities, for example by attending LSE research seminars or developing collaborative research projects; 

  • A one-page progress report due twice per year (each January and June) detailing clear progress towards the submission of a grant, until that grant is submitted.

Research Associates enjoy complete flexibility as to when they would like to visit the Centre’s offices in the LSE Lakatos Building (NOTE: They are not required to be on campus for their entire tenure)

To apply to be a Research Associate, please complete this:

Application Form
