Bernardo Mottironi

Bernardo Mottironi

PhD Candidate in Economics

Department of Economics

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Key Expertise

About me

Bernardo Mottironi is a PhD Economics candidate in the Department of Economics. His research focuses on the behaviour of firms and how their heterogeneity shapes aggregate outcomes, especially with regard to market power, rent-sharing, allocative efficiency and productivity growth.
Previously, he earned an MSc from Bocconi and gained experience as a research assistant (European Central Bank), consultant (IWH/CompNet) and teacher (LSE).

Research Interests
Productivity, Market Power, Rent-Sharing, Factor Shares, Misallocation, Firm Dynamics, Production Function Estimation

John Van Reenen
Maarten De Ridder

Research Centre
Centre for Economic Performance

PP404: Economics for Public Policy

CV | Research | Personal Website

Expertise Details

Growth; IO; Labour Markets