CJP embraces the multi-disciplinary nature of research on conflict, justice and peace conducted by academics, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows at LSE. The platform fosters integration, linkages and exchange of ideas among LSE’s researchers in diverse disciplines, and specialists on different global regions.
It draws on the long history of innovative research at LSE that has contributed to the global, national, and local debates in search for policy solutions to challenges posed by armed conflict. Facilitating an inter-disciplinary dialogue, CJP promotes a deep understanding of the complexities of war, justice and peace, and seeks to engage with practitioners and contribute to policy-making.
CJP disseminates information about new publications by LSE scholars and LSE events about conflict and peace studies, organised by the School’s departments, research centres, units and research programmes. Furthermore, it organises events that are hosted by the European Institute, Department of International Relations, Department of Government and Department of International Development.
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