Note that you may apply for any of the below categories that you feel are most suitable, but the EI’s Research Committee and the School’s central Appointments Committee, reserve the right to confer at title at a more appropriate level.
Visiting Fellowships
The title of Visiting Fellow is given to scholars who are pre-Major Review equivalent/of post-doctoral status, persons/practitioners of equivalent standing in an appropriate profession/occupation, and researchers in the early stages of their career.
Visiting Senior Fellowships
The title of Visiting Senior Fellow is given to individuals who have already published work of distinction, and those who have made a more senior contribution in government service, in professional practice, in the private sector, or in other appropriate fields.
Visiting Professors
The title of Visiting Professor is for those who have appropriate eminent distinction within the academic professions, and whose connections with the School are appropriate for such a title. Note that the title of Professor at a home institution does not guarantee a Visiting Professorship at LSE.
Visiting Professors in Practice
The title of Visiting Professor in Practice is for those who have appropriate eminent distinction within their area of practice without, however, having sufficient academic distinction.