Dr Thomas Aubrey

Dr Thomas Aubrey

Visiting Senior Fellow

European Institute

Connect with me

English, German, Mandarin
Key Expertise
Liberalism, Public Policy, Financial Markets

About me

Thomas Aubrey is the founder of Credit Capital Advisory. He has written widely on financial and economic issues including Prediction Markets: The end of the regulatory state? (2007) with Professor Frank Vibert, and Profiting from Monetary Policy (2012). He was the director of the Centre for Progressive Capitalism at Policy Network publishing numerous reports and books including Supporting Investors and Growth Firms (2015) and Beyond Neoliberalism, Nationalism & Socialism (2017). He has also acted as a senior policy advisor for a number of British, European and Asian public bodies on areas including capital markets, corporate governance, the importance of land value capture for infrastructure financing and housing development, as well as productivity and industrial strategy. In 2022 he published All Roads Lead to Serfdom which argued for a new approach to public policy to better defend liberal values. His current research interests are on applying Isaiah Berlin’s value pluralism to international relations theory and how this might help liberal democracies navigate the turbulent international environment. He has a first class degree from the London School of Economics and an MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge.

Expertise Details:

Liberalism: liberal political and international relations theory, ordoliberalism, value pluralism.

Public policy: capital markets, pensions and corporate governance, land value capture & infrastructure financing, productivity & industrial strategy

Financial markets