LSE Gender is pleased to announce the publication of the Gender, Inequality and Power Commission's update on its work: Confronting Gender Inequality in Uncertain Times. In this update, we review developments affecting gender inequality since the launch of the Gender, Inequality and Power Commission report in 2015. You can also listen to the launch lecture here.
The original report can be downloaded here: 'Confronting Gender Inequality'.
The Commission was designed to draw on LSE research and external experts to provide theoretical and empirical knowledge to inform public and policy debates in the UK concerned with understanding and addressing the complex and multidimensional character of inequality and power imbalances between women and men.
Work focused on the four main areas of Economy, Law, Politics, and Media/Culture. In addition to these broad areas, four cross cutting themes of violence, work/life balance, rights, and power were explored.
The Commission is co-directed by Professors Diane Perrons and Nicola Lacey.
Listen to Professor Perrons launch the Commission on the podcast of her LSE public lecture Gender, Inequality and Power, and her contribution to the Challenge of Economic Inequality to Recovery and Wellbeing: TASC (Think Tank for Social Change) and FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies) Annual Conference, June 2014. Her talk is available here: 'Finance, Austerity and Inequality: Toward gender equitable alternatives'.