Incoming students FAQ banner

Information for Incoming Students

Welcome to the Department of Gender Studies!

I chose LSE because of the global recognition of their reputation, but also because I had heard such positive things about the department from former students. I feel that, as part of a broader intersectional analysis, gender is a key component of comprehension for everyday life, social interactions, oppression and inclusion. People often ask me what it ‘means’ to study gender or comment on how ‘niche’ it is, but I genuinely think it was one of the most useful things to study at the masters level because of the broad range of understandings you develop.

Ella Jay Taylor- Frontend Software Engineer at Marshmallow (MSc Gender 2016)

We’re looking forward to welcoming the 2024/25 cohort of students to the department in September, and this page will contain information to answer your questions and help prepare you for arrival. 

During Welcome we’ll be organising events to help you familiarise yourselves with the department and the LSE as a whole. You’ll be meeting faculty, admin staff and fellow students. Please be patient as we update this page in the coming weeks.

If you have questions on the admission process, please contact Graduate Admissions. For questions on the department, email us.

How can I get in touch with the LSE Gender community?

  • Every summer we set up a new cohort WhatsApp group- it is shared with offer-holders by email so if you have not gotten the link, please email
  • Follow our Instagram and Twitter accounts.
  • Start engaging with our department and gender issues via our Engenderings blog, run by our PhD students.

Term dates

Autumn Term
Monday 30 September – Friday 13 December 2024
Reading week: Monday 4 November – Friday 8 November 2024

Winter break
Monday 16 December 2024 - Friday 17 January 2025

Winter Term
Monday 20 January – Friday 4 April 2025
Reading week: Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February 2025

Spring break
Monday 7 April – Monday 5 May 2025

Spring Term
Tuesday 6 May (due to May bank holiday) – Friday 20 June 2025

For 12-month master's students and students in Year 2 of a 24-month master's programme, Spring Term extends until the official end date of your programme.

 For more information, please see here.

Useful links for offer holders

2024/25 MSc Programmes and Courses

See the full list of programmes and courses available in the Department of Gender Studies.

How is the academic year structured?

The year is divided into three terms: Autumn (September to December), Winter (January to March) and Spring (April to June).

There are two Reading Weeks in week 6 of Autumn and Winter term – no LSE Gender teaching will take place during Reading Weeks, although other departments might run workshops or seminars. 

For MSc students, a full unit course runs over Autumn AND Winter terms. A half-unit course will only run for one term (please note that half-unit courses are only available in one or the other term - they are NOT available during both terms). 

Spring Term is focused on further developing your independent research project with your supervisor, and opportunities for skills- and career-development. The dissertation is due in mid-August. 

Where can I get more information on individual courses?

See Graduate Course Guides for further information on individual courses. 

Once you have your LSE login, you can watch short introductory course videos here.

Are there any recommended readings for my programme/course?

LSE Gender students are not required to have completed any reading before starting their programme. All key readings throughout the academic year will be available online for free through the LSE Library.

If you want to start familiarising yourself with some core texts in the field, you can find indicative readings for all our courses on the Graduate Course Guides and/or check out Gender: The Key Concepts which has contributions from a number of past and present faculty. 

Information for incoming PhD Students

A warm welcome to our new research students!  

The PhD programme aims to foster your scholarly and career interests, and to prepare you for the world of academic and policy research in the form of courses and professional training experience over your first three years.

Learn more about our PhD programme and the PhD Academy, a dedicated space and services hub for doctoral candidates studying at LSE.

Meet our current PhD students and read about their academic path and their research interests.

If you have further questions please contact the department at

I need help finding accommodation

Full details on LSE accommodations are available here, and the Student Union also offers housing advice.

Where is the Department located?

LSE Gender is based in Pankhurst House, on the 11th floor. A campus map can be found here.

I have more questions. What should I do?

Please email if you have a general question that has not been covered here or join us at one of the Zoom Q&As or drop-ins. Further questions about the application process and requirements should be sent to Admissions Enquiries.