Stuart Austin

Stuart Austin

Project Coordinator of the Central and South East Europe Programme (CSEEP)


Room No
Key Expertise
History, International Relations

About me

Stuart Austin is Programme Manager of the Central and South-East Europe Programme (CSEEP) at LSE IDEAS, overseeing the Ratiu Forum and working closely with the CSEEP team at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow. Stuart studied History BA at the University of Kent, then completed an MSc in History of International Relations at LSE—specialising in the Cold War, the Balkans, and the Rise and Fall of Communism in Europe. After working in several UK Government departments, Stuart joined LSE IDEAS in early 2020, as research assistant to the Engelsberg Chair for History and International Affairs—most recently Professor Margaret MacMillan. Following the end of the Engelsberg series in Summer 2022, he was subsequently also appointed Publications Editor.