Alexander Jake Davies

Alexander Jake Davies

PhD candidate

Department of International Relations

English, French
Key Expertise
Foreign Policy; US Politics; Alliance Politics, Credibility

About me

Alexander J. Davies is a PhD candidate in LSE's Department of International Relations.

Alexander's research, supervised by Professor Peter Trubowitz and Dr Luca Tardelli, focuses on the impact of domestic politics on the credibility of alliance commitments. He has previously served as a research assistant to Dr Theresa Squatrito on two projects: the first exploring the purposeful de-legitimation of war crime tribunals; and the second exploring non-state actor access to informal international institutions. He maintains a broader academic interest in US politics, foreign policy, grand strategy, international security, and secession.

Alexander holds an MSc in International Relations (with Distinction) from LSE, and a BA in Politics and International Relations (First Class) from the University of Nottingham, Malaysia. He has previously worked on LSE's Community Engagement Programme as a volunteer consultant. Before joining LSE, Alexander founded and directed a UK-based environment design business and has over ten years of experience in the environment design industry.

Research topic

Domestic Drumbeats, Distant Echoes: Assessing Alliance Credibility from the ‘Outside-In’

Alexander's research examines the link between domestic politics and alliance credibility. He does so with a thorough exploration of the United States' relationship with its core European allies between 1945 and 1999.

Teaching experience

IR211: America as a Global Power: FDR to Biden (LSE)

Academic supervisors

Peter Trubowitz

Luca Tardelli

Research Cluster affliation

Security and Statecraft Research Cluster


Expertise Details

Foreign Policy; US Politics; Alliance Politics; Credibility