Chloé Raïd

Chloé Raïd

PhD candidate

Department of International Relations

Connect with me

English, French, Italian, Persian
Key Expertise
Foreign Policy, Interest Groups, Diasporas, Transnational Repression

About me

Chloé Raïd is a PhD candidate in LSE’s Department of International Relations. Her research explores the roles of diasporic groups in Foreign Policy.

Prior to joining the department, Chloé studied Literature and Humanities in ‘Classe Préparatoire Littéraire’ in France. She obtained a BA in Translation & Interpretation, and an MSc in International Relations from Sciences Po Bordeaux (France). She has worked as a Research Assistant for the think tank IRIS (Paris); as a project manager in nuclear disarmament advocacy; within the French Diplomatic network; as a NATO-affiliated Middle East Analyst; and as a Current Affairs Analyst for the Cambridge Middle East and North Africa Forum.

Research topic

Hosting Dissent – The role of exiled oppositions in the foreign policy of their host states

Academic supervisor

Federica Bicchi

Research Cluster affiliation

Security and Statecraft Research Cluster


Expertise Details

Foreign Policy Analysis; French Foreign Policy; Interest Groups; Diasporas; Transnational Repression