Lecture Venues
All lectures will take place in room 9.05 located in Fawcett House (FAW) in the heart of the LSE Campus.
You can find the location of Fawcett House in the map below circled in red.
LSE Library
You will have access to the LSE Library during your visit to LSE.
The British Library of Political and Economic Science is Europe’s largest social science library. The LSE Library responds to around 5,000 visits from students and staff each day. In addition, it provides a specialist national and international research collection, serving over 12,000 registered external users.
The Library collects material on a worldwide basis, in all major European languages. The extensive collections range from a European Documentation Centre to 90,000 historical pamphlets. The Library has access to 60,000 online journals and 29,000 online books.
Campus map
Key to the map
95A - 95 Aldwych, Aldwych
ALD - Aldwych House, Aldwych
CBG - Centre Building
CLM - Clement House, Aldwych
COL - Columbia House, Aldwych
CON - Connaught House, Aldwych
COW - Cowdray House, Portugal Street
KGS - King's Chambers, Portugal Street
1 KW - 1 Kingsway
KSW - 20 Kingsway
LAK - Lakatos Building, Portugal Street
LCH - Lincoln Chambers, Portsmouth Street
5LF - 5 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
32L - 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields
44L - 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields (not occupied by LSE)
50L - 50 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Portsmouth Street
FAW - Fawcett House (entry through Pankhurst House)
LRB - Lionel Robbins Building, Library
NAB - New Academic Building, Lincoln's Inn Fields
OLD - Old Building, Houghton Street
PAN - Pankhurst House, Clement's Inn
PAR - Parish Hall, Sheffield Street
PEA - Peacock Theatre, Portugal Street
PEL - Pethick-Lawrence House
POR - 1 Portsmouth Street
QUE - Queens House, Lincoln's Inn Fields
SAR - Sardinia House, Sardinia Street
SAW - Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, Sheffield Street
SHF - Sheffield Street
STC - St Clement's, Clare Market