Wendy Lynwood

Wendy Lynwood

Librarian and LSE's Copyright Officer

LSE Library

Connect with me

Key Expertise
Academic Liaison, Legal Research, Copyright

About me

Wendy Lynwood is the Librarian for the Department of Law, and LSE’s Copyright Officer. She joined the Library in June 2020 and previously worked at Birkbeck, University of London.  

Wendy is happy to provide individual research consultations for students and staff to help them to find information using advanced search skills, use library resources effectively, and reference their work consistently. Wendy can also support staff with using LSE’s online reading lists

Wendy also delivers a range of teaching covering legal research skills, literature searching for dissertations and theses, managing references and keeping up to date with research. Contact Wendy if you would like to arrange a workshop or seminar for your students. 

Wendy is also the Library's Copyright Officer. She is happy to answer any copyright-related questions from staff, students and researchers. Please contact her if you need further information on how copyright affects your teaching, learning or research.

Expertise Details

academic liaison; information literacy; legal research; managing Information; supporting researchers; copyright