
Research Events

Seminars and conferences for departmental Faculty and Research Students.

Upcoming Research Seminars 

The ERHR Research Seminar presents: 

Employment Relations Effects on Soci-Politically Extreme Beliefs: Cross-National Evidence from Europe

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 30 October
Location: MAR.4.12
Speakers: Professor Ryan Lamare and Maggie Huizinga (PhD), LSE

Audience: ERHR faculty and PhD students

Please contact, for more information. 

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Nonparametric Estimation of Demand with Switching Costs: The Case of Habitual Brand Loyalty

Time and Date: 11.30pm - 1.00pm, Wednesday 30 October
Location: MAR.5.21
SpeakerProfessor Jean-Pierre Dubé, Chicago Booth

Audience: DoM faculty, research students, and others via invite. 

Please contact, for more information. 

The OB Research Seminar presents:

Seminar Title TBC

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 30 October
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerProfessor Vincent Mak, Cambridge

Audience: DoM faculty and research students. 

Please contact, for more information. 

The Cap Sems Seminar Presents

“A Theory of How Workers Keep Up with Inflation”. 

Time and Date: 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Thursday 31 October
Location: MAR.6.33
Speaker: Professor Erik Hurst, Chicago Booth

Audience: DoM faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The OBHR Paper Club presents:

Volunteers in Non-Profit Organisations

Time and Date: 2.00pm - 3.00pm, Tuesday 5 November
Location: MAR.4.12
Speaker: Dr Jordi Blanes i Vidal, LSE Department of Management

Audience: DoM Faculty and Research Students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Seminar Title TBC

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.30pm, Wednesday 13 October
Location: MAR.4.12
SpeakerDr Crystal Reeck, Fox School of Business, Temple University

Audience: DoM faculty, research students, and others via invite. 

Please contact, for more information. 

The ERHR Research Seminar presents

The Impact of Communication Frames on Necessity Entrepreneurs’ Participation in Corporate-sponsored Training Programs

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 13 November
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakersDr Florencio Portocarrero, LSE

Audience: ERHR faculty and PhD students

Please contact, for more information. 

The Cap Sems Seminar Presents: 

Seminar Title TBC

Time and Date: 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Thursday 14 November
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerProf Ruben Durante, National University of Singapore

Audience: DoM faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

Past Research Seminars

The OBHR Paper Club presents:

Reducing Mistreatment Concerns of Garment Workers : Voice mechanisms as a guardian and deterrent

Time and Date: 2.00pm - 3.00pm, Tuesday 22 October
Location: MAR.4.12
SpeakerSazid Ahmad (PhD Student), LSE Department of Management

Audience: DoM Faculty and Research Students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Preference similarity impacts advice taking for matters of taste: A Bayesian perspective

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.30pm, Wednesday 23 October
Location: MAR.4.12
SpeakerProfessor Selin Atalay, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Audience: DoM Faculty and Research Students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The Cap Sems Seminar Presents: 

Selecting the Best:  The Persistent Effects of Luck

Time and Date: 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Thursday 17 October
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerDr Meg Meyer, Oxford University

Audience: DoM faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Preference similarity impacts advice taking for matters of taste: A Bayesian perspective

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.30pm, Wednesday 9 October
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerDr Henry Shen, LSE (Visiting)

Audience: Marketing faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The Cap Sems Seminar Presents: 

Selling diversity

Time and Date: 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Thursday 10 October
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerProf Vasilliki Skreta, University of Texas, Austin

Audience: DoM faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The OBHR Paper Club presents:

Introduction to Paper Club and Episodic Grief at Work

Time and Date: 2.00pm - 3.00pm, Tuesday 8 October
Location: MAR.5.21
SpeakerDr Ellie Stillwell, LSE Department of Management

Audience: All Department of Management members.

Please contact, for more information. 

The ERHR Research Seminar presents

'Welcome (Introducing New Faculty and Students)'

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 2 October
Location: MAR.5.21
SpeakerDr Francesca Manzi, LSE Department of Management

Audience: ERHR faculty and PhD students

Please contact, for more information. 

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Should I Talk about Cancer? Onset Controllability and Relatedness Shape Skepticism and Sympathy toward Health Self-Disclosures in Crowdfunding

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.30pm, Thursday 3 October
Location: MAR.4.12
SpeakerDr. Der-Wei Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Audience: Marketing faculty and research students.

Please contact, for more information. 

The ISI Research Seminar presents

The Double-Edged Roles of Generative AI in the Creative Process: Experiments on Design Work

Time and Date: 3.00pm - 5.00pm, Wednesday 18 September
Location: MAR.4.12
SpeakerDr Lei Wang, David Eccles School of Business

Audience: ISI faculty and PhD students

Please contact, for more information.

The Marketing Research Seminar presents:

Does Using a Pink Product Increase Men’s Support for Women? How Product Usage Influences Perspective-Taking

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.30pm, Wednesday 18 September
Location: MAR.6.33
SpeakerProfessor Jaideep Sengupta, HKUST Business School

Audience: Marketing Faculty and PhD Students

Please contact, for more information.

The ISI Research Seminar presents: 

'Digital Strategy is Not IT Strategy - A Reconceptualization for a New Research Agenda'

Time and Date: 3.00pm - 5.00pm, Tuesday 10 September
Location: CBG.1.04
SpeakerProfessor Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University

Audience: LSE faculty, PhD students & external audiences

Please contact, for more information.

The OB Research Seminar presents

'Situational Strategy Puzzle'

Time and Date: 1.30pm-3.00pm, Monday 2 September
Location: MAR.4.12 
SpeakerDr. Ariella Kristal, Columbia Business School

Audience: Open to all

Please contact Leah Murray, at, for more information.

Upcoming PhD Events

Managing your PhD Data

Time and Date: Tuesday 22 and Tuesday 29 October 
Location: PhD Academy

Topic: LSE PhD Academy 2 session workshop on the process of managing and organising your PhD Data. 

Audience: DoM Research Students

Book here

Communcation Skills in Academia

Time and Date: 10.30am - 11.00am, Thursday 31 October
Location: MAR 4.21

Topic: A Q&A with Connson Locke about effective communication in academia. Open to all DoM research students.

Audience: DoM Research Students (See Outlook for invitiation)

Please contact Camilla Kennedy-Harper, at for more information. 

Persuasive Speaking

Time and Date: 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Monday 11 November
Location: PhD Academy 

Topic: This workshop will show you how to organise your presentation in a way that brings your audience along with you, step by step. It will also teach you how to communicate persuasively through a host of tips related to slide format, timing and delivery. Finally, this workshop will help you to introduce a bit of yourself into your public speaking, so that your presentations sparkle with wit and originality.

Audience: All LSE Research Students.

Book here

Alumni Panel: Working after your PhD

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 27 November
Location: PhD Academy 

Topic: Our LSE PhD qualified speakers will share their stories of entering and moving on in the early and mid stages of their career in the fields of research, policy and impact in a variety of roles in different types of organisations in the UK. It's an interesting and intentionally diverse crowd so you can learn from a broad range of academic disciplines and employment sectors. 

Audience: All LSE Research Students.

More information and booking on Careers Hub. 

Past PhD Events

CVs for academic posts

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wednesday 23 October
Location: PhD Academy

Topic: This seminar explores how to put together strong application materials for academic jobs drawing on materials used by recent job candidates.

Audience: DoM Research Students

More information and booking on Careers Hub. 

LSE ESRC DTP Reception - Continuing students

Time and Date: 6.00pm - 8.00pm, Tueday 15 October
Location: Bishopsgate Institute 

Topic: The PhD Academy start of year ESRC DTP reception, held at the Bishopsgate Institute. A chance to network with your fellow ESRC DTP colleagues over food and drink! Reception is open to all ESRC DTP cohorts, but limited spaces are available. There will also be limited spaces to go on a guided tour of the Bishopsgate archives available during the reception. 

Audience: ESRC funded students

Organisational Economics Reading Group

Time and Date: 12.00pm - 1.00pm, Thursday 10 October
Location: MAR 4.12

Topic: Organisational Economics Reading Group: David Cai will lead a discussion on Melitz, M. J. (2003). The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity. Econometrica, 71(6), 1695–1725.

Audience: Economics and Mangement research students. Open to all DoM research students

Please contact David Cai, at, for more information. 

Preparing for an Academic Career

Time and Date: 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Friday 11 October
Location: PhD Academy

Topic: Would you like to know more about how the academic ‘system’ in the UK works and how to prepare for job applications? LSE Careers event to inform and support research students navigate an academic career path. 

Audience: All LSE Research Students

More information and booking on Careers Hub. 

Talk to an ERHR alum: Elisa Pannini

Time and Date: 1.00pm-2.30pm, Monday 24 June 
Location: TBC 
Speaker: Elisa Pannini

Topic: PhD in Employment Relations, with a thesis on labour market deregulation, its consequences, and the different approaches to protecting workers, with a focus on the most vulnerable.

Audience: PhD students 

Please contact Camilla Kennedy-Harper, at for more information.

 Mid-Career students coffee for experienced PhD students

Time and Date: 9.30-10.15am, Wednesday 5 June
Location: Details on Career Hub
Speaker: LSE Careers

Topic: PhD students who have more than 10 years’ work experience have different needs in terms of career progression and life after the PhD. This informal coffee catch up is another chance to meet some of your peers and join a facilitated careers discussion for people in your situation.

Audience: PhD students 

Please book via Career Hub

CVs in and outside academia: (PhDs and Research Staff)

Time and Date: 1.00pm-2.15pm, Thursday 13 June
Location: Details on Career Hub
Speaker: LSE Careers

Topic: In this online seminar we will look at how PhD students, Fellows and Researchers adapt their applications for jobs in and outside academia, including what employers expect to see in and how you can present yourself successfully at this stage of the recruitment process.

Audience: PhD students 

Please book via Career Hub

Upcoming Conferences

Is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion too Western-centric?: Bridging EDI across cultures

Time and Date: 5.45 - 8.00pm, Thursday 7 November

Location: Centre Building, CBG 1.06


Join us for a panel and interactive discussion organised by the London School of Economics Department of Management’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion team.

Who does EDI benefit? Does it benefit marginalised communities or those in power? Are EDI practices developed in the West still applicable in the Global South? How can EDI practices be expanded or adapted for different cultures and contexts around the world? How can we embrace “cultural humility” to create an inclusive EDI practice?

This year’s theme takes a critical look at EDI practices and whether and how they can be applied in a globalising world.

This event will feature expert speakers and interactive discussions that bridge theory and practice. There will also be the opportunity to network with EDI practitioners, researchers, and DoM students with a passion for EDI.

Whether you are a student, faculty member, or a seasoned EDI/HR practitioner, you will gain valuable insights into EDI interventions and challenges across various cultures.

Audience: Students, Alumni, Staff, Employers, Sponsors.

To register for this conference, please click here

If you have any questions, please contact Paulette Annon, at, for more information.

Past Conferences

Colloquium on Digitalization, Interfacing and their Impacts

Time and Date: 9.00am-6.00pm, Tuesday 4 June
Location: Centre Building, Sumeet Valrani Lecture Room, CBG.1.01


The Information Systems and Innovation Group within the Department of Management, London School of Economics is pleased to announce a Colloquium on Digitalization, Interfacing and their Impacts which will be held at the LSE campus on the 4th of June 2024.

The Colloquium is an opportunity for IS researchers, at any level of experience and seniority, to discuss research related to key and emerging themes surrounding Digitalization in a constructive setting. Talks from noted global IS scholars will stimulate discussion on a range of different aspects of Digitalization, including the interfacing of complex systems and the opportunities and challenges these creates for business and society. Full details of the agenda, as well as abstracts of the talks, will be provided closer to the date. The event is organised by the EPSRC funded IRIS research programme: Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS). (

Audience: This conference is open to Information Systems researchers at any level of experience and seniority.

Please contact Anushri Gupta at to register.

London Quantitative Marketing Conference 2024

Time and Date: 10.00am-5.00pm, Wednesday 8 May 2024
Location: TBC


The London Quantitative Marketing Conference aims to facilitate research collaboration and networking among researchers and PhD students at universities in London. The conference features research talks and discussions on diverse quantitative marketing research topics.
This year, we are excited to add two PhD students presentations in the morning: Chaoran Liu (LBS) and Yanting He (Imperial). In the afternoon, we will welcome Xu Zhang (LBS), Stephan Seiler (Imperial), Rafael Greminger and Vladimir Pavlov (UCL).

Audience: Faculty and PhD students whose research interests are in the quantitative marketing area

Please contact Xiaolin Li at to register.