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Management Faculty Wins Responsible Research in Management Award

The award honours high-quality research that addresses critical issues in business and society.

Congratulations to Dr Ellie Stillwell, Assistant Professor of Management in LSE’s Department of Management, who has been named a Distinguished Winner of the 2024 Award for Responsible Research in Management for her recent publication ‘Sensemaking through the storm: How postpartum depression shapes personal work–family narrativesin the Journal of Applied Psychology.

The annual award honours high-quality published research that addresses critical issues in business and society.

For the 2024 award, 134 scholarly works were nominated which underwent a rigorous two-stage review process. Winners were chosen based on the joint recommendations of academic Fellows and the practitioner executives.  

Amidst the drumbeat of calls for research that is relevant to practice, Responsible Research of Management is an award that goes only to those studies that academics deem scientifically rigorous and practising executives deem meaningful and actionable.

The award is co-sponsored by Fellows of the Academy of Management and the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management.

Dr Stillwell work was among the eight winners for 2024. The studies exemplify the principles of responsible research and strive for broad and significant societal benefits by informing policy, improving practice, and advancing theory.  

The award reflects the positive research culture in the Department of Management, which enables faculty to conduct research focusing on some of the grand challenges facing our world. 

Monday 24 June 2024