Nora Fee Kroeger

Nora Fee Kroeger

PhD Researcher

Department of Media and Communications

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About me

Research Topic

Civil society stakeholders in media governance: An exploratory study on the impact of civic participation on media policy-making in the Taiwanese Anti-Media Monopoly case

I am interested in civil society stakeholders and ask how these influence media governance. My project looks at the Anti-Media Monopoly case in Taiwan as a case study in which an Anti-Media Monopoly Movement led to the draft of a new set of media policies – the Anti-Media Monopoly Act. The research question of my project is “To what extent if any did the Anti-Media Monopoly Movement (constituted by civil society stakeholders) impact media governance in Taiwan?” I am drawing upon theories from the field of contentious politics and social movements as well as new sociological institutionalism and (media) governance, which are integrated with the help of the Advocacy Coalition Framework. The methods employed in my project are legislative text analysis of the Anti-Media Monopoly Act and interviews with activists and policy-makers. They will be incorporated in a case study research design, in which the question is addressed from a top-down and a bottom-up perspective.

Research interests:

  • Media governance
  • Political communication
  • Participatory governance approaches
  • Comparative media studies
  • Taiwan studies

Supervisor: Damian Tambini


Academic background:

Previous work experience at:

  • ThyssenKrupp Academy
  • Stiftung Mercator (freelance work)
  • Ruhr University Bochum

Previous projects:

  • Founder of Chancen Ostasien (“Opportunities East Asia”), career fair for students of East Asian studies in Germany

Current positions:

  • Research assistant at the LSE Media Policy Project
  • Coordinator for LSE Law and Communications Network lecture series “Principles of information governance”
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant for MCLabs at LSE, a supplementary course on academic writing and research design


  • 2014: Discussant at SOAS Conference on Social Movements in Taiwan after 2008
  • 2014: Chair at LSE Dpt. of Media and Communications PhD symposium (Panel: “Media Freedom and Regulation”)