Dr Reidar Jessen

Dr Reidar Jessen

Visiting Fellow

Department of Media and Communications

Connect with me

English, Norwegian, Spanish
Key Expertise
Clinical psychology, Gender, Queer theory, Self-Identity

About me

Reidar S Jessen (PhD., University of Oslo) is a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology. The overarching question guiding his research is the development of self and identity, and he works at the intersection of psychology, feminist and queer studies. Jessen is currently conducting qualitative interviews with transgender youth in Norway about their subjective experiences of gender. He is also involved in ySKILLS (Youth Skills), an interdisciplinary research collaboration between LSE and the University of Oslo that explores the impact of the digital environment on children and young people. Jessen’s postdoctoral fellowship is financed by the interdisciplinary research project Living the Nordic Model and UiO:Norden. His visiting fellowship at LSE is financed by ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World).

During his time at LSE, Jessen will be working with Dr Sonia Livingstone and Dr Mariya Stoilova on how young people with mental health difficulties are navigating both risk and affordances in the digital environment, with a special focus on how digital media contributes to senses of self and identity. More specifically, Jessen aims to explore sources of self-knowledge that youth with mental health difficulties draw on when they engage with digital media, and how they make this content meaningful in their everyday life.

Expertise Details

Clinical psychology; Gender; Queer theory; Self-Identity


Journal Articles

  • Jessen, R. S., Haraldsen, I. & Stänicke, E. (2021). Navigating in the dark: Meta-synthesis of subjective experiences of gender dysphoria amongst transgender and gender non-conforming youth. Social Science and Medicine. ISSN 0277-9536. 281. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114094. (første artikkel i doktorgradsavhandling)
  • Jessen, R. S., David, L., Wæhre, A., & Stänicke, E. (2021). Negotiating gender in everyday life: Toward a conceptual model of gender dysphoria in adolescents. Archives of Sexual Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02024-6. (andre artikkel i doktorgradsavhandling)
  • Ummak, E., Jessen, R.S., & Demirtas, E.T. (2021). Untangling the relationship between internalized heterosexism and psychological intimate partner violence perpetration among lesbian and bisexual women in Turkey and Denmark, International Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F08862605211004108
  • Røren, M.T., Divon, S.A., Jessen, R.S. & Moss, S.M. (2019). Intercultural Attention in Trauma Treatment: Western Trauma Treatment Negotiated and Modified in Sudan. International Journal of Intercultural Communication, 79(5), 67 – 77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.03.002
  • Jessen, R.S. & Roen, K. (2019). Balancing in the margins of gender: Exploring psychologists’ meaning-making in their work with gender non-conforming youth seeking puberty suppression, Psychology & Sexuality, 10(2), 119 – 131. https://doi.org/10.1080/19419899.2019.1568290

Book Chapters

  • Jessen, R.S. & Sandberg, K. (2021). Psykologisk og medisinsk behandling av barn og unge med kjønnsinkongruens. En fagetisk og menneskerettslig diskusjon [Psychological and Medical Treatment of Children and Youth with Gender Incongruence. A Professional Ethical and Human Rights Based Discussion]. In A. Hellum og A. Sørlie, Kjønn og rett i endring: Seksualitet, kjønnsidentitet og kjønnsuttrykk [Gender and Law in Change: Sexuality, Gender Identity and Gender Expression] (p. 225-265). Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Jessen, Reidar Schei (2022). Et kjønnsperspektiv på psykisk helse hos ungdom og unge Voksne [A Gender Perspective on the Mental Health of Youth and Young Adults]. In Lundgren, Charlotte (Eds.), Psykisk oppvekst. Barn og unges psykiske helse fra 0-25 år. Rådet for psykisk helse [Psychological Upbringing. The Mental Health of Children and Young People Between the Ages of 0-25. The Norwegian Council for Mental Health]. ISSN 978-82-91635-46-0. p. 151–157.
  • Haraldsen, I. & Jessen, R.S. (2018). Kjønn og seksualitet i psykiatrien [Gender and Sexuality in Psychiatry]. In Skårderud, F.,Haugsgjerd, S. & Stänicke, E. (ed.). Psykiatriboken [Introduction to Psychiatry] (p. 461-476).Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk. 
  • Jessen, R.S. (2017). Queer. In Lundberg, T. Malmquist, A. & Wurm, M. (ed.), HBTQ+: Psykologiska perspektiv och bemötande [ LGBTQ+: Psychological Perspectives and Clinical Encounters] (p. 125-135). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.