The objective of this research is to understand if internet users’ digital resources can increase the chances of obtaining a job online. In this sense, Spain is an interesting case of study because:
- Its labor market is characterized by high unemployment rates, especially if compared with the rest of the EU (source: Eurostat)
- digital channel for job seeking are becoming increasingly popular among job seekers in this country: from 13% to 24% in 10 years (source: Eurostat)
The research
In order to achieve the objectives of this research, we will:
- Focus on the Spanish case study, analyzing online platforms for professional social networks.
- Adopt a research strategy based on the simultaneous study of candidates and recruiters that operate through this platform.
- Combine methodologies that are mostly used in computer sciences, such as those based on Big Data analysis, and "classical" research tools, such as questionnaires and in-depth interviews.
More specifically, this research will be based on the adoption of different research tools:
- Big data analyses, in order to build an assessment tool for online reputation skills.
- Online surveys, in order to study the relationship between internet users' digital resources and their ability to find a job online thanks to digital platforms for professional social networks.
- In-depth interviews to be conducted with both job candidates and Human Resources technicians.
This research project is being founded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Convocatoria proyectos I+D "Retos de la sociedad" 2018) and will be supported by the department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca, and Guadalinfo, an Andalusian public platform for digital inclusion.