DiSTO Liceal or “De las tecnologías a los resultados tangibles. El rol de las habilidades digitales en el bienestar de los estudiantes de la educación media pública uruguaya” (From technologies to tangible outcomes: the role of digital skills in the wellbeing of Uruguay’s public secondary education students) consists in the adaptation, validation and implementation of the DiSTO project a very specific population: students at public secondary education in the capital city of Uruguay (Montevideo). This survey aimed to gather data regarding the relationship between digital skills, the uses of digital resources, and the outcomes that arise from theses uses at this specific moment in the life course of young Uruguayans. DiSTO liceal was conducted during 2017.
This was achieved through:
- Expert validation of the questionnaire
- 18 cognitive interviews to adapt questionnaire to Uruguayan public education context
- Pilot: 40 individuals to pilot questionnaire and 200 to pilot scales
- Representative survey of 1000 students in Montevideo’s Secondary Public Schools system
- DiSTO liceal informed key public education stakeholders on digital outcomes and inequalities within and between public high schools.
- A short research report in Spanish can be found here.
Matías Dodel (Universidad Católica del Uruguay), Susana Lamschtein (Universidad de la República), and Ana Laura Rivoir (Universidad de la República)
This research was supported by the Fondo Sectorial de Educación: Inclusión Digital (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación & Fundación Ceibal), the Department of Communications, Universidad Católica del Uruguay, and the Department of Sociology, Universidad de la República.