Connected Cities and Inclusive Growth 

Los Angeles: The Connected Cities and Inclusive Growth (CCIG) project is part of the USC Annenberg Research Network on International Communications. It seeks to map inequities in broadband infrastructure and digital skills in greater Los Angeles, and explore their socio-economic determinants and consequences. By mapping the spatial distribution of broadband access and use at the most disaggregated level available, the project seeks to offer a comprehensive diagnosis that will inform current policy initiatives and debates. Theoretically, it will shed light onto how inequalities in connectivity infrastructure both shape and reflect differences in ICT-related skills as well as other demographic factors at the local community level.

Partners: Hernan Galperin and Francois Bar at the University of Southern California.


Networked Effects of Digital Inequalities 

London and Los Angeles: Networked Effects of Digital Inequalities project. This project hypothesises that network effects are influential in determining individual motivation to engage with ICTs. That is, individuals’ perceptions of ICT benefits are likely influenced by attitudes and behaviours within family, friend, and community networks. The study develops a theoretical model and empirical instruments around motivational factors and relates these to network effects. Qualitative and quantitative comparative research is conducted in London and Los Angeles. These cities show high levels of traditional inequalities but differ in terms of the homogeneity of their neighbourhood, making them ideal to examine differential network effects. This study builds on existing projects in these cities and will feed into large scale future research. Partners: Ellen Helsper, funded through the International Inequalities Institute Research Innovation Grant.