Bedrošová, M., Mylek, V., Dedkova, L., & Velicu, A. (2023). Who is searching for cyberhate? Adolescents’ characteristics associated with intentional or unintentional exposure to cyberhate. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), 462–471.
Cino, D., Lacko, D., Mascheroni, G., & Šmahel, D. (2023). Predictors of children’s and young people’s digital engagement in informational, communication, and entertainment activities: findings from ten European countries. Journal of Children and Media 17(1), 1–18.
Görzig, A., Blaya, C., Bedrosova, M., Audrin, C., & Machackova, H. (2023). The amplification of cyberhate victimisation by discrimination and low life satisfaction: Can supportive environments mitigate the risks? The Journal of Early Adolescence, 43(1), 5–36.
Bedrosova, M., Machackova, H., Serek, J., Smahel, D., & Blaya, C. (2022). The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Computers in Human Behavior, 126, 107013, 1–13.
Lebedíková, M., Mýlek, V., Subrahmanyam, K., & Smahel, D. (2022). Exposure to sexually explicit materials and feelings after exposure among adolescents in nine European countries: The role of individual factors and social characteristics. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 333-351.
Dedkova, L., Smahel, D., & Just, M. (2022). Digital security in families: The sources of information relate to the active mediation of internet safety and parental internet skills. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(5), 1052-1064.
Drtilova, H., Machackova, H., & Smahelova, M. (2022). Evaluation of Web-Based Health Information From the Perspective of Women With Eating Disorders: Thematic Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(6).
Elavsky, S., Blahošová, J., Lebedíková, M., Tkaczyk, M., Tancos, M., Plhák, J., Sotolář, O., & Smahel, D. (2022). Researching the links between smartphone behavior and adolescent well-being with the FUTURE-WP4 (Modeling the future: Understanding the impact of technology on adolescent’s well-being Work package 4) project: Protocol for an ecological momentary assessment study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(3), e35984.
Görzig, A., Blaya, C., Bedrosova, M., Audrin, C., & Machackova, H. (2022). The amplification of cyberhate victimisation by discrimination and low life satisfaction: Can supportive environments mitigate the risks? The Journal of Early Adolescence. Advance online publication.
Gulec, H., Kvardova, N., & Smahel, D. (2022). Adolescents' disease- and fitness-related online health information seeking behaviors: The roles of perceived trust in online health information, eHealth literacy, and parental factors. Computers in Human Behavior, 134, 107318.
Knapová, L., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., & Matyas, V. (2022). Comparing Nonresponders and Responders of Online Intercept Surveys: A Large-Scale Experimental ICT Security-Related Study. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3107621.
Kruzikova, A., Knapova, L., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., & Matyas, V. (2022). Usable and secure? User perception of four authentication methods for mobile banking. Computers & Security, 115, 102603.
Kvardova, N., Machackova, H., & Smahel, D. (2022). A moderated mediation model for body-positive online content and body image among adolescents. Body Image, 42, 370-374.
Lebedíková, M., Mýlek, V., Subrahmanyam, K., & Smahel, D. (2022). Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials and Feelings after Exposure among Adolescents in Nine European Countries: The Role of Individual Factors and Social Characteristics. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Mascheroni, G., Cino, D., Mikuška, J., & Smahel, D. (2022). Explaining inequalities in vulnerable children’s digital skills: The effect of individual and social discrimination. New Media & Society, 24(2), 437–457.
Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., Kraus, L., Matyas, V., & Stavova, V. (2022). Investigating Installers of Security Software in 20 Countries: Individual-and Country-Level Differences. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1230344.
Bedrosova, M., Machackova, H., Serek, J., Smahel, D., & Blaya, C. (2021). The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. Computers in Human Behavior, 126, 107013.
Drtilova, H., Smahel, D., & Smahelova, M. (2021). Advantages and disadvantages of Internet use: The perspective of women with eating disorders experience. Health Communication. Advance online publication.
Galbava, S., Machackova, H., & Dedkova, L. (2021). Cyberostracism: Emotional and behavioral consequences in social media interactions. Comunicar, 29(67).
Knapova, L., Kruzikova, A., Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2021). Who is smart with their smartphones? Determinants of smartphone security behavior. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(9), 584-592.
Kvardova, N., Smahel, D., Machackova, H., & Subrahmanyam, K. (2021). Who is exposed to harmful online content? The role of risk and protective factors among Czech, Finnish, and Spanish adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 2294-2310.
Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2021). Information sources about face-to-face meetings with people from the Internet: Gendered influence on adolescents’ risk perception and behavior. New Media & Society. Online publication.
Sevcikova, A., Vasek, D., Blinka, L., Machackova, H., & Jezek, S. (2021). Markers of sexual life and health in association with internet use for sexual purposes in Czechs aged 50 and older. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 18, 355-367.
Bai, S., Elavsky, S., Kishida, M., Dvorakova, K., & Greenberg, M. (2020). Effects of mindfulness training on daily stress response in college students: Ecological momentary assessment of a randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness, 11(6), 1433-1445.
Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2020). Online parental mediation: Associations of family members’ characteristics to individual engagement in active mediation and monitoring. Journal of Family Issues, 41(8), 1112-1136.
Elavsky, S., Knapová, L., Klocek, A., & Smahel, D. (2020). Mobile health interventions for physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep in adults aged 50 years and older: A systematic literature review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 27(4), 565-593.
Knapova, L., Klocek, A., & Elavsky, S. (2020). The role of psychological factors in older adults’ readiness to use eHealth technology: Cross-sectional questionnaire Study. Journal of Medical Internet Reseach, 22(5), e14670.
Kvardova, N., Machackova, H., & Smahel, D. (2020). The direct and indirect effects of online social support, neuroticism, and web content internalization on the drive for thinness among women visiting health-oriented websites. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7).
Lakomy, M., Hlavova, R., Machackova, H., Bohlin, G., Lindholm, M., Bertero, M. G., & Dettenhofer, M. (2020). The motivation for citizens’ involvement in life sciences research is predicted by age and gender. PLOS ONE, 15(8), 1-17.
Machackova H., & Tkaczyk, M. (2020). The effect of media and political beliefs and attitudes on trust in political institutions: A multilevel analysis on data from 21 European countries. Communication Today, 11(2), 65-83.
Machackova, H. (2020). Bystander reactions to cyberbullying and cyberaggression: individual, contextual, and social factors. Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 130-134.
Mikuska, J., Smahel, D., Dedkova, L., Staksrud, E., Mascheroni, G., & Milosevic, T. (2020). Social relational factors of excessive internet use in four European countries. International Journal of Public Health, 65(8), 1289-1297.
Mýlek, V., Dedkova, L., & Machackova, H. (2020). Factors influencing interactions between adolescents and unknown people from the internet: Findings from five European countries. Children and Youth Services Review, 114.
Riad, A., Huang, Y., Zheng, L., & Elavsky, S. (2020). COVID-19 induced anxiety and protective behaviors during COVID-19 outbreak: Scale development and validation. MedRxiv.
Smahelova, M., Klocek, A., Knapova, L., & Elavsky, S. (2020). Vnímání ve zdravotnictví využitelných informačně-komunikačních technologií českými praktickými lékaři. Praktický lékař, 100(2), 92-99.
Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2019). Online Parental Mediation: Associations of Family Members’ Characteristics to Individual Engagement in Active Mediation and Monitoring. Journal of Family Issues.
Görzig, A., Bedrosova, M., & Machackova, H. (2019). Do Stereotypes of Mental and Developmental Disorders Predict Bystander Intentions in Cyberbullying? An Application of the Stereotype Content Model. International Journal of Developmental Science, 13 (3-4), pp. 83-95.
Helsper, E. J., & Smahel, D. (2019). Excessive internet use by young Europeans: Psychological vulnerability and digital literacy?. Information, Communication & Society.
Cernikova, M, Smahel, D., & Wright, M. F. (2018). Children’s experiences and awareness about impact of digital media on health. Health Communication, 33, 664-673.
Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A. (2018). Bystanders’ supportive and passive responses to cyberaggression. Journal of School Violence, 17, 99-110.
Ševčíková, A., Blinka, L., & Daneback, K. (2018). Sexting as a predictor of sexual behavior in a sample of Czech adolescents. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 426-437.
Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., Ševčíková, A., Aoyama, I., Bayraktar, F, ... Shu, C. (2018). Face-to-face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries: The Interaction between Attributions and Coping Strategies. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 11, 99-112.
Cernikova, M, Dedkova, L., & Smahel, D. (2018). Youth interaction with online strangers: Experiences and reactions to unknown people on the Internet. Information, Communication & Society, 21, 94-110.
Bedrošová, M., Hlavová, R., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L. & Šmahel, D. (2018). Czech children and adolescents on the internet: Report from a survey at primary and secondary schools. EU Kids Online IV in the Czech Republic 2017–2018. Brno: Masaryk University.
Macháčková, H., & Šerek, J. (2017). Does ‘clicking’ matter? The role of online participation in adolescents’ civic development. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(4), article 5.
Smahelova, M., Juhová, D., Cermak, I., & Smahel, D. (2017). Mediation of young children’s digital technology use: The parents’ perspective. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(3), article 4.
Wright, M. F., Yanagida, T., Aoyama, I., Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H., Dědková, L., … & Shu, C. (2017). Differences in severity and emotions for public and private face-to-face and cyber victimization across six countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48, 1216-1229.
Barbovschi, M. & Velicu, A. (2015, forthcoming). Forced identities of young people: impersonated, hacked, shared or tagged without permission. Breaches of self-presentation and identity management online in EU Kids Online III and Net Children Go Mobile projects. In Lorentz, P., Metykova, M., Smahel, D. & Wright, M. (Eds.). Living in the Digital Age: Self-Presentation, Networking, Playing, and Participation in Politics. Masaryk University Press. Brno, Czech Republic.
Dedkova, L., Cerna, A., Janasova, K., & Daneback, K. (in press). Meeting online strangers offline: The nature of upsetting experiences for adolescent girls. Communications. European Journal of Communication Research.
Dědková, L. (in press). Navazování kontaktů online a setkávání se s neznámými lidmi z internetu [Seeking and meeting online strangers]. In A. Ševčíková (Ed.), Děti a dospívající online: Vybraná rizika používání internetu [Youth online: Selected risks of internet use]. Praha: Grada.
Macháčková, H. (in press). Online komunity: v čem představují rizika pro dospívající? [Online communities: What are their risks for adolescents?]. In A. Ševčíková (Ed.). Děti online: vybraná rizika požívání internetu [Children online: Selected risks of internet use]. Praha: Grada.
Macháčková, H. (in press). Soukromí a sebe-odkrývání na online sociálních sítích [Privacy and self-disclosure on online social network sites]. In A. Ševčíková (Ed.). Děti online: vybraná rizika požívání internetu [Children online: Selected risks of internet use]. Praha: Grada.
Ševčíková, A. (Ed.) (in press). Děti a dospívající online: vybraná rizika používání internet [Children and adolescents online: Selected risks associated with internet use]. Praha: Grada publishing.
Barbovschi, M. (2014). Dealing with misuse of personal information online – coping measures of children in the EU Kids Online III project. Special issue Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research.
Ševčíková, A., Šerek, J., Barbovschi, M., & Daneback, D. (2014). The Roles of Individual Characteristics and Liberalism in Intentional and Unintentional Exposure to Online Sexual Material Among European Youth: A Multilevel Approach. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 11(2),104-115. doi: 10.1007/s13178-013-0141-6
Smahel, D., Wright, M. F., & Cernikova, M. (2014). Classification of online problematic situations in the context of youths’ development. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research.
Smahel, D., & Wright, M. (2014). The meaning of online problematic situations for children: Results of qualitative cross-cultural investigation in nine European countries. London: EU Kids Online.