external examiner reports

External examiner reports

External examiner reports for undergraduate exams


BSc International Social and Public Policy



External Examiner A

Overall, the assessment methods are appropriate to the level of study and there is sufficient diversity with every module requiring students to do more than simply write an essay. The course syllabuses are up to date and learning resources used are appropriate and highly relevant to the themes covered in the modules and programmes. The assessment is strongly related to the topics covered in the class and they offer opportunities for students to display and develop critical analysis topics on contemporary national and global challenges. The students can apply analytical and methodological tools while taking into consideration established theoretical and analytical approaches, enabling them to develop and apply critical analysis in their work.

The most notable change in the programme is the lack of individual feedback for summative work and the introduction of module-level feedback. The provision of feedback on formative work is commendable as it allows students to identify strengths and weaknesses and offers them the opportunity to perform better in their assessment. The fact that most students can meet these high standards gives credit to both students enrolled in the programme and quality of teaching offered in Department of Social Policy to support learning outcomes.  The programme is to be commended for its wide range of assessment methods, with practically every module requiring students to do more than simply write an essay. The course syllabuses are up to date and learning resources used are appropriate and highly relevant to the themes covered in the modules and programmes.

External Examiner B

I am very impressed by the content of the programmes and related courses I have reviewed. Taken together I think they allow students to address the study of social and public policy in a way that is analytical, international/comparative and engaged with the issues both at the core of social policy as traditionally defined in the UK and on the new frontiers of the discipline.

The courses are extremely well designed, leading to a rich and varied programme of study overall. In view of the quality of student attainment, I infer that the teaching is of a very high standard.

Students are already given many opportunities for skill development through the formative and summative assessments. I have suggested that the introduction of additional components of summative assessment on some courses might enhance this further, as may the consideration at programme level of the scope for introduction in some courses of additional modes/forms of assessment (statistical exercises, book reviews, policy briefs, analytical notes..) that support the development of particular skills.

The standard of the assessed work I was sent to review was very high. Students on these degrees are routinely producing work that is excellent, and in many cases work that is outstanding.


I am very impressed by the content of the programmes and related courses I have reviewed. Taken together I think they allow students to address the study of social and public policy in a way that is analytical, international/comparative and engaged with the issues both at the core of social policy as traditionally defined in the UK and on the new frontiers of the discipline.

The courses are extremely well designed, leading to a rich and varied programme of study overall. In view of the quality of student attainment, I infer that the teaching is of a very high standard.

Students are already given many opportunities for skill development through the formative and summative assessments. I have suggested that the introduction of additional components of summative assessment on some courses might enhance this further, as may the consideration at programme level of the scope for introduction in some courses of additional modes/forms of assessment (statistical exercises, book reviews, policy briefs, analytical notes..) that support the development of particular skills.

The standard of the assessed work I was sent to review was very high. Students on these degrees are routinely producing work that is excellent, and in many cases work that is outstanding. The dissertations in particular showcased how students coming to the end of this programme are able to engage in complex theoretical debates and undertake well-conceived original research projects.


External Examiner A

In my view, the structure, organisation, design and marking of the assessments enable the students to cultivate, enhance and have tested a significant range of learning skills. Taken as whole, the programme structures appear to be well organised and logical offering a diversity of research and topical expertise to students. There is a good balance between substantive knowledge orientation, development of conceptual and analytical thinking skills and research methods training. The modules are well organised and set ambitious aims with respect to learning objectives and the fact that most students can meet these high standards gives credit to the staff engagement and quality of teaching staff members provide to support learning outcomes.

The programme offers plenty of choice to students to develop their critical analysis and show case their learning and understanding of bringing changes to contemporary policy issues. Additionally, the programme is to be commended for its wide range of assessment methods, with practically every module requiring students to do more than simply write an essay. Reflective journals, group tasks, blogs, visual data analysis, reports and presentations are in evidence – this variety of assessments offer students the opportunity to develop their verbal and written skills. The provision of feedback has been constructive in identifying key strengths and weakness. Marking was fair and consistent across all modules I reviewed. Double marking is a time-consuming practice that not many HE institutions are able to deliver – in the case of the modules I reviewed, it was clear that each script or presentation was discussed with final marks and comments reflecting these discussions.

The course syllabuses are up to date and learning resources used are appropriate and highly relevant to the themes covered in the modules and programmes. The quality of the teaching is strong this is evident in the range of marks awarded. At the top end, the assignments display strong analytical skills and in-depth understanding of, what is often, complex and/or contemporary issues. The assignments enable students to develop their own ability to critically evaluate evidence and synthesise existing approaches to advance arguments. Most of the students can display a clear grasp of the relevant theories, analytical approaches including a range of research methods and skills to analyse social and public policy issues. The latter suggests that the level of teaching quality, but also personal support offered as part of the programmes (and the modules taught) enable students (regardless of personal conditions) to meet the learning objective and develop sufficient skills to progress.

I also need to highlight that many of the topics examined indicate an actual engagement with critical analysis and what has recently emerged in HE as an attempt of ‘decolonising’ the curriculum. I appreciate that for some modules, this is easier done than others, but the diversity of assignment tasks and topics I reviewed, suggest that the modules encourage students to be critical of historical and contemporary power structures. 

As a final suggestion, some of the self-reflective and group-working assignments ought to be formally recognised in the learning aims and outcomes of their respective modules.


External Examiner B

I am very impressed by the content of the programmes and related courses I have reviewed. Taken together I think they allow students to address the study of social and public policy in a way that is analytical, international/comparative and engaged with the issues both at the core of social policy as traditionally defined in the UK and on the new frontiers of the discipline.

The courses are very well designed, leading to a rich and varied programme of study overall. In view of the quality of student attainment, I infer that the teaching is of a very high standard.

Students are already given many opportunities for skill development through the formative and summative assessments. I have suggested that the introduction of additional components of summative assessment on some courses might enhance this further, as may the consideration at programme level of the scope for introduction in some courses of additional modes/forms of assessment (statistical exercises, book reviews, policy briefs, analytical notes..) that support the development of particular skills.

The standard of the assessed work I was sent to review was very high. Students on these degrees are routinely producing work that is excellent, and in many cases work that is outstanding. The dissertations in particular showcased how students coming to the end of this programme are able to engage in complex theoretical debates and undertake well-conceived original research.


External Examiner A

LSE students on the courses I cover can feel confident not only that their academics are leading researchers, but that they are also dedicated to doing well in teaching and in the promotion of skills and knowledge. There is a good range of topic coverage across the main components of the ‘welfare state’, and internationally as well as the UK. Indeed, I would say that the comparative content, and content relating to other countries, is a strong and distinctive feature of the programme. Such coverage is often more limited in smaller social policy staff groups found in most other UK universities.

Under covid, the granting of various flexibilities around deadlines was naturally made more readily available. There may need to be a process of adjusting to post-Covid (when/if were are there) to more ‘normal’ expectations around set times, with flexibility being more often the exception. This applies to just about all universities of course.

Something for the students and staff to consider, is the use of remote or take-home assessments (24hr deadline, etc.). These added a new dimension to assessment which, whilst driven by Covid, may still have a place in more normal times.

I did not think that attainment was affected by the pandemic, with similar or better standards generally found.


External Examiner B

This is my final year as External Examiner for the department. Over the period I have engaged, I can happily say that I have been consistently impressed by the quality of the student’s work – especially under the very trying conditions of COVID-19. I would also like to convey to the students a clear message that, in my opinion, their teachers (and the admin staff in the department) are doing a tremendous job both in terms of the courses they are designing and delivering; but also in terms of the ‘behind the scenes’ work which is required to ensure marking and assessment is performed to the highest quality. 


Under very difficult circumstances, I felt that the Social Policy students I had the privilege to examine performed extremely well. They richly deserve to study at one of the leading centres for social policy in the world. Students may not be aware of the huge amount of work which markers put into their assessment and, especially, the notes and justifications of marks which I get to see. Yet again, it was a real pleasure to act as external examiner. 




External examiner reports for postgraduate exams


MSc Criminal Justice Policy



The fact learners are able and encouraged to include jurisdictions from across the world ensures that a diverse range of criminal justice contexts are explored by cohorts. Learners clearly engage with teaching on the whole as illustrated by the generally high level of achievement on modules. Assessments are appropriate, relevant and constructively aligned to learning objectives and course content. Marking is consistent, accurate and transparent. Feedback is detailed and constructive.



Based on the sample of work and module guides shared with me the programme is in line with similar ones at level 7 in other national institutions. Assessments appear sufficiently demanding, incremental and relevant. Guidance on assessments is clear and feedback is designed to help learners improve on future submissions and is consistent, accurate and full. Content and topics appear intellectually stimulating, global in outlook and research and policy-informed. 



The MSc covers the major areas of criminal justice policy and plays to the research strengths of the team. It has a distinctive identity, which enables students to produce work of considerable flair and imagination. I continue to be impressed by the constructive feedback the team provides across the board, and there was a strong sense of student progression over the year. This is borne out by the very high standards of scholarship on display in the dissertation, some of which were outstanding pieces of work. I would also add that all this material was produced amid a global pandemic, so the students will have faced many difficulties – not least accessing sources, finding spaces to write etc – which makes the standards achieved here all the more impressive.



The MSc covers the major areas of criminal justice policy and plays to the research strengths of the team. It has a distinctive identity, which enables students to produce work of real flair and imagination. I continue to be impressed by the constructive feedback the team provides across the board, and I gained a strong sense of student progression over the year. This is borne out by the very high standards of scholarship on display in the dissertation, some of which were very ambitious indeed. I would also add that all these dissertations were produced amid a global pandemic, so the students will have faced many difficulties – not least accessing sources, finding spaces to write etc – which makes the standards achieved here all the more remarkable.  








MSc International Social and Public Policy


The MSc in International Social and Public Policy is a well-constructed and coherent programme combining breadth and depth in core and optional courses in a well-designed curriculum that is both stretching and engaging for students. Course coverage across the discipline is excellent with research-led teaching and opportunity for student-led focus in assessment and learning. Topicality of teaching and learning, generation of intellectual interest and opportunity for subject engagement are reflected in student performance which is routinely high across courses. Student work is generally impressive with well-formulated essays that demonstrate confidence in both abstract and applied dimensions of study, and familiarity with both theoretical frameworks and the application of ideas to the policy context. This indicates high quality teaching which is also apparent in marker feedback which further informs and improves student performance in assessment. Assessment processes are rigorous and fair.




The MSc in International Social and Public Policy is well structured with a good balance of core and optional courses that allow students to develop and expand their own academic interests across a range of topical and relevant fields of study. The overall standard of student performance on this programme is high, reflecting carefully designed and successfully delivered curricula that challenge and engage student interest. This is demonstrated in the student work produced which generally includes sophisticated argumentation and good levels of engagement with bodies of literature. The work produced indicates that students have opportunity for discussion and reflection on the topics studied and that the level of understanding achieved through teaching is high. In the assessments for which it is provided, marker feedback is clear and constructive with helpful specifics in the commentary to assist with students’ academic development. Assessment and feedback are supported by effective  processes and administrative infrastructure, and a clear and robust moderation framework.




External Examiner A

It is clear from the course and programme design, assessments and the active engagement of staff within the Exam Board that this is a Department that cares deeply about its quality of teaching and the wellbeing and progress of its students. The degree programme is world-beating and the range of courses on offer is exceptional. The assessment methods are appropriate, robust and allow students to apply their skills and knowledge. Students respond to this positive learning environment by creating work that is of the very highest standard.


External Examiner B

The ISPP programme is of a very high quality. The quality of teaching on it, coupled with the abilities and commitment of the students themselves, is reflected in high standards of student work. The overwhelming majority of students evidence their ability to achieve the minimum standards expected (i.e. pass). A significant minority of the year’s cohort performed at a level that can only be described as outstanding. In particular, the dissertation aspect of the programme’s assessment enables many of the students each year to produce work capable of publication in professional journals. This is a fantastic achievement.

The upper end of the marking scale is now being used more frequently. More dissertations are scoring more than 80%, which is good to see given the quality of the student work. This results in a clearer demarcation among the top performing group. The department will need to keep a close eye on consistency of use of the full marking scale between modules of the ISPP programme.   

The methods of assessment within the teaching programme are suitably diverse and fit for purpose. Marking standards are consistently and fairly applied in practice. The culture of the department is strongly supportive of students, and staff fully understand the difficulties that their students face during their studies.

The Exam Board recognises the importance of timely, quality feedback to all students on all their assignments so that students are best positioned to know how their academic performance is judged and how they can improve their marks. I encourage all students to carefully read marker feedback on their assignments, to act on the feedback and advice given to them. Module convenors and tutors would, I am sure, be happy to discuss with students how to further improve the quality of their work and thus also their module marks. 

I am satisfied that the department’s policy of ‘no disadvantage’ introduced in the context of the Covid pandemic has been consistently and fairly applied. There is also consistency with the interpretation and application of the rule with the previous year (2019/2020 cohort). 



External Examiner A

The units I examined reflected a broad range of choice within the programme and the work undertaken by students is of a very high standard. A highlight for me was examining the dissertations which focused on a range of engaging, topical and important subjects. The teaching on the units is theoretically and empirically rich and, judging by the standard of the work, sufficiently stretching for students. Unit design and teaching is excellent and clearly allows students to make good progress and demonstrate excellent writing/critical analysis skills.


External Examiner B

This social policy Masters programme focuses on key issues of contemporary relevance in the UK and internationally. The quality and appropriateness of teaching on this Masters programme is reflected in high standards of student work. The overwhelming majority of students evidence their ability to achieve the minimum standards expected, and small but significant proportion of each year’s cohort demonstrate excellent learning through the outstanding quality of work they submit.  

The methods of assessment within the teaching programme are suitably diverse and fit for purpose. Marking standards are consistently and fairly applied in practice.

The dissertation aspect of the programme’s assessment enables many of the students each year to produce work capable of publication. This is a fantastic achievement, to the credit of all those participating in the programme.

The Exam Board recognises the importance of timely, quality feedback to all students on all their assignments so that students are best positioned to know how their academic performance is judged and how they can improve their marks. I strongly endorse the efforts of the department to encourage all students to carefully read marker feedback on their assignments, to act on the feedback and advice given to them, and to discuss with the module convenor or their tutor how they can further improve the quality of their work and thus also their marks. 

The full range of marks on the marking scale, especially at the upper end, is starting to be better used. More dissertations are scoring more than 80% and some at 90%, which is good to see. This means that a clearer distinction is being made within the top performing group. It does not necessarily mean an overall greater number of student dissertations are being classified as Distinctions.

I am satisfied that the department’s policy of ‘no disadvantage’ introduced in the context of the Covid pandemic has been consistently fairly applied, and that this policy has in practice benefitted many students.