
Visiting Fellows scheme

The Department of Statistics operates a Visiting Fellows scheme to allow academics, researchers and practitioners to spend a period of time conducting research within the department. Visiting Fellows may be on sabbatical leave from their own institution or sponsored directly by other organisations.

Prospective applicants should note that the department only accepts applicants who can:

  • Demonstrate an established research record
  • Present a clear case for being based specifically in the department
  • Provide a clear timetable for the proposed duration and timing of their visit, together with achievable research objectives
  • Make a compelling case to demonstrate that their presence and work will compliment our research environment and enhance the department's research profile

Visiting fellows

The Visiting Fellow scheme is intended for scholars of early post-doctoral status or pre-Major Review and researchers in the early stage of their career. The status of Visiting Fellow is non-contractual and confers no special privileges. Visiting Fellows must have already been awarded their doctorate at the time of application.

Visiting senior fellows

The Visiting Senior Fellow scheme is intended for scholars who are at lecturer (post-Major Review), Senior Lecturer or Reader level. The title of Senior Visiting Fellow is intended to apply to scholars who have already published work of distinction, as well as recognising the contribution from those in government service, professional practice, the private sector and in other appropriate fields, to research and other departmental activities.

Visiting professors

The School may confer the title of Visiting Professor for a defined period on persons of appropriate distinction whose connection with the School is appropriate to the visiting title.

General guidelines

Visiting Fellows may start at any time during the year, subject to agreement by the department. All applications must be approved by the department's Research Committee, which meets once a term. A waiting period of three months or more may be required to obtain approval of applications.

The length of a visit would normally be between one and three months, although requests for longer visits may be considered on merit. Applicants must be of post-doctoral status. The scheme is not open to PhD students, who should apply to the Visiting Research Students scheme.

Visiting Fellows should participate in the research life of the department by attending seminars within the department and other events related to their research. We also encourage Visiting Fellows to give a seminar on their research during their visit, depending on the length of the visit.

Applications are considered from those who have or expect to have adequate financial support for the proposed visit. The department does not usually provide Visiting Fellows with a research allowance.

We regret that it is not always possible to provide Visiting Fellows with dedicated desk space. The School is not able to make any accommodation arrangements for visitors.

A Fellow may need to obtain a visa before traveling, depending on their nationality and the nature of the visit. This now includes EEA nationals, given that the UK has left the EU. Information on relevant visitor visas will be provided by HR upon the confirmation of the fellowship appointment.

Application process

An application form and copy of your current CV, including a list of publications, should be sent by email to the research administrator at