Title: From Data to Decisions: Navigating Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Opportunity in a Data-Driven World.
Biography: Adam is a Partner at Antler, co-leading the UK fund. He is a Founding Partner and Chair of Houghton Street Ventures, a pre-seed and seed fund investing in alumni of the London School of Economics and a Non-Executive Director at Innovate Finance, the UK industry body for fintech. Previously, he was the Co-Founder and CEO of Scalable Capital, a fintech unicorn valued at $1.4 billion, backed by BlackRock, Tencent, and Hedosophia, as he recognized the opportunity to build a business to make investing more accessible, more convenient and more cost-effective by using technology. Earlier in his career, Adam served as an Executive Director of Trading at Goldman Sachs. Adam graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2007 with a BSc in Business, Mathematics and Statistics.