
Accommodation guarantee and policy

This page explains our accommodation policy, what our booking guarantee means for you, whether you're covered by it, and how we decide which room you can book. 

Our booking guarantee 

New undergraduate and General Course students - guaranteed accommodation if booking by the deadline

You are guaranteed a space in accommodation, as long as you book by the deadline. You can only book once LSE is your firm choice (that means that you have accepted your place to study at LSE). Subject to availability, you will be able to choose from the full range of undergraduate and mixed halls. 
For full details, see 4. Allocations in the LSE Accommodation Policy [PDF].

New graduate students - no accommodation guarantee

As long as there is availability, you will be able to book, but we don’t guarantee you a space in halls if you’re postgraduate. We try to make sure that there are plenty of spaces for postgraduates, so some of our halls are entirely postgraduate.
For full details, see 4. Allocations in the LSE Accommodation Policy [PDF].

Continuing students - no accommodation guarantee

If you have studied at LSE before (eg for an undergraduate degree or as part of the General Course), we'll regard you as a continuing student. Subject to availability, you can book accommodation at Urbanest Westminster Bridge as soon as bookings open. After 9 June, if we have rooms left in other halls, you will be able to book these, too. We don’t guarantee you a space in halls if you’re a continuing student.

Exception: former comittee members and Peer Supporters
A small number of rooms in LSE halls is guaranteed for former hall committee members or current Peer Supporters. We will contact you with details. If you are a former hall committee member, you can only book accommodation in the hall that you stayed at during the previous year, and you must book by the general booking deadline.

For full details, see 4. Allocations in the LSE Accommodation Policy [PDF].

Our accommodation policy

Download our LSE Accommodation Policy [PDF]

Cancellation information 

For details on cancellations and refunds, see: Book accommodation in halls - FAQ