Daniel Teaching


Generations Hub

GENERATIONS provides organisations with specific, data-driven insights to increase productivity across the various generations of the workforce.

Large firms now regularly have five generations working together. Although generational diversity has the potential to deliver significant productivity gains, it has received relatively little strategic attention to date. To enable firms to maximise the productivity gains of multigenerational teams, The Inclusion Initiative is proud to launch GENERATIONS, thanks to a generous philanthropic gift from Protiviti.

“The Inclusion Initiative could not find a better partner for this work than Protiviti. Over the past 12 years, Protiviti has conducted a global survey of C-level executives and directors to understand their perspectives on top risks facing their business. Together we recognise the risk of failing to get employees across generations working better together. Together we will address this issue. Our partnership, GENERATIONS, will help leaders adapt and respond to this top challenge.”
Dr Grace Lordan, Director of The Inclusion Initiative

Read our research on generations, including our initial report, GENERATIONS: Unlocking the Productivity Potential of a Multigenerational Workforce.

Read the report