Dr Daniel  Jolles

Dr Daniel Jolles

Research Officer in Behavioural Science

The Inclusion Initiative

English, French
Key Expertise
Judgement, decision making, behavioural science, hiring, ageing workforce

About me

 Dr Daniel Jolles is a Research Officer in Behavioural Science at The Inclusion Initiative (TII) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. At TII, Daniel leads the GENERATIONS Research Hub in collaboration with global business consulting firm Protiviti. GENERATIONS delivers data-driven insights to increase productivity across generations. Daniel holds a PhD in Psychology, and his research focuses on applying behavioural science to questions of generations, age-diversity, and the ageing workforce. His research is aimed at helping organisations create productive and inclusive multigenerational workforces.

Prior to joining TII, Daniel worked as a Behavioural Scientist in the private sector. He has written for leading business publications including Fast Company, LSE Business Review, California Management Review: Insights, and World Economic Forum's Future of Work. Daniel’s research on decision-making in the hiring of older workers and older worker attitudes towards work and retirement has been published in international scientific journals. He is a regular speaker and panellist on topics of career longevity and increasing the participation, wellbeing, and productivity of workers of all ages. Prior to studying psychology, Daniel spent more than 10 years working as a project management consultant, delivering business change projects for large organisations in Australia, the UK and France.

Expertise Details

Judgement and decision making; behavioural science; hiring; diversity; ageing workforce