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A comprehensive list of publications

Authored Books

  1. Alle origini della fattoria toscana. L'ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena e le sue terre, c.1250-c.1450 Salimbeni, Florence, 1986.
  2. An island for itself. Economic development and social transformation in late medieval Sicily Past and Present Publications Series: Cambridge, 1992; revised edn. translated as Potere e mercati in Sicilia. Secoli XIII-XVI, Einaudi, Turin, 1996.
  3. Freedom and Growth, Markets and states in Europe, 1300-1750, London: Routledge, 2000, (see 'A proposito di un libro')

Edited Books  

  1. (with T. Szabó, D. Ciampoli & M. Ginatempo) Lo Statuto dei Viarî di Siena. Viabilità e legislazione di uno stato cittadino del Duecento, Siena, 1993.
  2. (with G. Haupt,  C. Poni and H. Soly), Guilds, economy and society, Madrid 1998.
  3. Town and country in Europe, 1300-1800, Cambridge, 2001.

Articles in Journals

  1. 'Inventari di beni di grance dell'ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala di Siena (1356, 1385)', Archeologia medievale, 15 (1988), 535-49.
  2. 'The textile industry and the foreign cloth trade in late medieval Sicily (1300-1500): a "colonial relationship"?', Journal of medieval history, 15 (1989), 141-83.
  3. 'Cities, regions and the late medieval crisis: Sicily and Tuscany compared', Past and Present, 130 (1991), 3-50
  4. 'Town and country in late medieval Italy: economic and institutional aspects', Economic history review, 2nd ser. 46 (1993), 453-77.
  5. 'Manifatture tessili e strutture politico-istituzionali nella Lombardia tardo-medievale. Ipotesi di ricerca', Studi di storia medioevale e diplomatica, 14 (1993), 55-89.
  6. 'Marc Bloch: the identity of a historian', Journal of medieval history, 19 (1993), 273-83.
  7. 'Tuscans and their farms. Moral hazard and risk sharing in late medieval Tuscany', Rivista di storia economica, 12 (1994), 111-37.
  8. 'Regional fairs, institutional innovation and economic growth in late medieval Europe', Economic history review, 2nd ser., 47 (1994), 459-82
  9. 'A reply', in 'Debat: Comerç internacional i desenvolupament regional en el Mediterrani: La Sicília medieval de S.R.Epstein', Revista d'història medieval 5 (1995), 133-80
  10. 'Dualismo economico, pluralismo istituzionale nell'Italia rinascimentale', Revista d'història medieval 6 (1995), 63-77.
  11. 'Eileen Power e la storia economica europea', Storica 8 (1997), 201-7.
  12. Nuevas aproximaciones a la historia urbana de Italia: el Renacimiento temprano', Història (Madrid) (1998), 417-38
  13. 'Craft guilds, apprenticeship and technological change in pre-modern Europe'The journal of economic history 53 (1998), 684-713.
  14. 'Late medieval and early modern towns as focal points of market power. An interview with Stephan Epstein'Itinerario 15, 2 (2000), 87-104.
  15. 'History matters: lessons from the marketplace', LSE Magazine, Summer 2002.
  16. (with M.M. Bullard, B.G.Kohl, and S.M. Stuard), 'Where history and theory interact: Frederic C. Lane on the emergence of capitalism'Speculum 79 (2004), 88-119.
  17. 'Property rights to technical knowledge in premodern Europe, 1300-1800', American Economic Review 94, 2 (2004), 382-87.

Articles in Books  

  1. 'Istituzioni politiche, economia regionale, commercio internazionale: il caso della Sicilia tardo-medievale', in Strutture del potere economico e politico nelle città dell'Europa medievale e moderna (Naples, 1993), pp. 43-64.
  2. 'Storia economica e storia istituzionale dello stato', in P.Schiera ed. Origini dello Stato. Processi di formazione statale in Italia fra medioevo ed età moderna(Bologna, 1994), pp.97-111.
  3. 'Freedom and growth. The European miracle?', in E. V. Barker ed. LSE on freedom (London, 1995), pp.165-81.  Reprinted New Brunswick, N. J. 1997; Hamburg, 1997; translated as 'Libertad y crecimiento: el milagro europeo?', Anuario IEHS (Buenos Aires), 14 (1999)
  4. 'Conflitti redistributivi, fisco e strutture sociali (1392-1516)', in F. Benigno and C. Torrisi  eds. Elites e potere in Sicilia. Dal medioevo ad oggi (Rome, 1995), pp.31-45.
  5. 'Stato territoriale ed economia regionale nella Toscana del Quattrocento', in R. Fubini ed. La Toscana al tempo di Lorenzo il Magnifico. Politica Economia Cultura Arte (Pisa, 1996), III, pp.869-90.
  6. 'Taxation and social representation in Italian territorial states', in M.Boone and W.Prevenier eds. Finances publiques et finances privées au bas moyen âge(Leuven-Apeldoorn, 1996), pp.101-115.
  7. 'Governo centrale e comunità del demanio nella Sicilia tardo-medievale: le fonti capitolari', in Atti del XVI Congresso di Storia della Corona d'Aragona, Sassari-Alghero 19-24 maggio 1990: La Corona d'Aragona, Sassari-Alghero 19-24 maggio 1990: La Corona d'Aragona in Italia (secc.XIII-XVIII). Presenza ed espansione della Corona d'Aragona in Italia (secc.XIII-XV) (Sassari, 1996), III, pp. 383-415.
  8. 'Power, resistance and authorities. Craft guilds and technological change in pre-industrial Europe', in B. Ranson ed. Guild-Hall and Government: An Exploration of Power, Control and Resistance in Britain and China, II. Power, Resistance and Authorities: Aspects of Guild Organisation in England, Hong Kong 1997, pp.46-69
  9. 'Italy', in T. Scott ed. The peasantries of Europe from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century (London, 1998), pp.75-110.
  10. 'Market structures', in W. Connell and A. Zorzi eds. Florentine Tuscany: Structures and Practices of Power, Cambridge, 2000, pp.90-121.
  11. 'Constitutions, liberties, and growth in pre-modern Europe' ,in M. Casson, ed. Cultural Factors and Economic Growth, Munich-New York: Springer Verlag, 2000, pp.152-81.
  12. 'The rise and decline of Italian city-states' , in M. H. Hansen, ed. A Comparative Study of Thirty City-State Cultures, Copenhagen, 2000, pp.277-94.
  13. 'The late medieval crisis as an "integration crisis"', in M. Prak, ed. Early modern capitalism. Economic and social change in Europe, 1400-1800, London, 2000, pp.25-50.
  14. 'Town and country in Europe, 1300-1800', in S. R. Epstein ed. Town and country in Europe between the fourteenth and the eighteenth centuries, Cambridge, 2001, pp.1-29.
  15. Labour and labour markets between town and countryside. Part II: Middle Ages-16th century. Introduction', in B. Blondé, E. Vanhaute and M. Galand eds., Labour and labour markets between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century), Turnhout, 2001, pp.76-81
  16. 'Fairs, towns, and states in Renaissance Europe', in S. cavaciocchi ed. Fiere e mercati nella integrazione delle  economie europee secc.XIII-XVIII, Florence 2001, pp.71-90.
  17. 'Strutture di mercato', in A.Zorzi and W.Connell eds. Lo Stato territoriale fiorentino (secoli XIV-XV). Ricerche, linguaggi, confronti, Pisa, 2002
  18. 'Labour mobility, journeyman organisations and markets in skilled labour Europe, 14th-18th centuries' in L.Hilaire-Perez and A.Garçon eds. Pratiques historiques de l'innovation, historicité de l'économie des savoirs (12e - 19e siècles) Paris,2004 and in M. Arnoux and P. Monnet eds. Le technician dans la cité en Europe occidentale 1250-1650, Rome 2004, pp.251-269.
  19. 'Apprenticeship', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
  20. 'Guilds', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
  21. 'Journeymen', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.
  22. Naples', in J. Mokyr ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford 2004.

In press  

  1. 'L'economia', in L'Italia alla fine del Medioevo: I caratteri originali nel quadro europeo, Pisa 2005.
  2. State and society in Italy, 1300-1750, 2 vols. Oxford-Rhode Island: Berghahn, 2005.
  3. 'The rise of the West', in J. Hall and R. Schroeder eds. An Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann, Cambridge UP 2005.
  4. 'Rodney Hilton, Marxism and the transition from feudalism to capitalism', in C. Dyer, P. Coss, C. Wickham eds. Rodney Hilton's Middle Ages 400-1600, Cambridge UP 2005.
  5. 'The economy', in M. Vale ed. The Oxford History of the Later Middle Ages, Oxford UP 2005

In Preparation  

  1. 'Transferring Technical Knowledge and Innovating in Europe, c.1200-c.1800', (click here for Presentation)
  2. (with M. Prak) Guilds, Innovation and the economy in europe, 1500-1800
  3. (with P. K. O'Brien) The formation and efficiency of fiscal states in Eurasia, 1498-1914

Working Papers

  1. 'Cities, regions and the late medieval crisis: Sicily and Tuscany compared', Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Siena, n.110, Oct.1990.
  2. Regional fairs, institutional innovation and economic growth in late medieval Europe', LSE Working papers in Economic History, 11/1992.
  3. 'Freedom and growth. The European miracle?', LSE Working papers in Economic History, 22/1994.
  4. 'Craft guilds, apprenticeship and technological change in pre-modern Europe', LSE Working papers in Economic History, 25/1995.
  5. 'The late medieval crisis as an "integration crisis"', LSE Working papers in Economic History, 46/1998.
  6. 'The rise and decline of Italian city-states', LSE Working papers in Economic History, 51/1999
  7. 'The Generation and Transmission of Technical Knowledge in Pre-Modern Europe, C.1200-C.1800 (Working Paper in the Nature of Evidence: How well do facts travel?)


  1. W. Bowsky, A medieval Italian commune. Siena under the Nine, 1287-1355 (Berkeley-Los Angeles 1981); translated as Un comune italiano nel Medioevo. Siena sotto il regime dei Nove, 1287-1355, Bologna, 1986.


  1. D. and F. Kent, Neighbours and neighbourhood in Renaissance Florence: the district of the Red Lion in the fifteenth century (New York, 1982); in Ricerche storiche, 1984.
  2. Catalogo della biblioteca di Armando Sapori (Montepulciano, 1982); in Archivio storico italiano, 1984.
  3. Il Caleffo Vecchio del Comune di Siena (Siena, 1986); in Bullettino senese di storia patria, 1986.
  4. H. Van der Wee ed. The rise and decline of urban industries in Italy and in the Low Countries (late Middle Ages - early modern times) (Leuven, 1988), in Economic history review, 1989.
  5. G. W. Day, Genoa's response to Byzantium 1155-1204. Commercial expansion and factionalism in a medieval city (Urbana-Chicago, 1988), in English historical review, 1992
  6. E. D. English, Enterprise and liability in Sienese banking, 1230-1350 (Cambridge Mass., 1988), in English historical review, 1992.
  7. T. H. Lloyd, England and the German Hanse 1157-1611. A study of their trade and commercial diplomacy (Cambridge, 1991), in History, 1993.
  8. G. Petralia, Banchieri e famiglie mercantili nel Mediterraneo aragonese (Pisa, 1989), in English historical review, 1993.
  9. T. Dean and C. Wickham eds., City and countryside in late medieval and Renaissance Italy. Essays presented to Philip Jones (London-Ronceverte, 1990), in English historical review, 1994.
  10. M. Ambrosoli, Scienziati, contadini e proprietari. Botanica e agricoltura nell'Europa occidentale, 1350-1850 (Turin, 1992), in The agricultural history review, 1994.
  11. I. Peri, Villani e cavalieri nella Sicilia medievale (Bari, 1993), in English historical review, 1995.
  12. R. C. Jennings, Christians and Muslims in Ottoman Cyprus and the Mediterranean world, 1571-1640 (New York-London, 1993), in Società e storia, 66 (1995)
  13. B. M. S. Campbell, J. A. Galloway, D. Keene and M. Murphy, A medieval capital and its grain supply: agrarian production and distribution in the London region (London, 1993), in London journal, 1995.
  14. O. R. Constable, Trade and traders in Muslim Spain. The commercial realignment of the Iberian Peninsula 900-1500 (Cambridge, 1994), in Economic history review, 1995.
  15. A. Molho, Marriage alliance in late medieval Florence (Cambridge, Mass. 1994), in The journal of modern history, 68 (June 1996)
  16. E. S. Hunt, The medieval super-companies. A study of the Peruzzi company of Florence (Cambridge, 1994), in Economic history review, 1995.
  17. P. Clark (ed.) Small towns in early modern Europe (Cambridge, 1995), in Economic history review, 49 (1996)
  18. M. Kowalewski, Local markets and regional trade in medieval Exeter (Cambridge, 1995), forthcoming in Rural history
  19. D. M. Hafter ed. European women and preindustrial craft (Bloomington and Indianapolis 1995), in Social history review
  20. C. R. Backman, The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily. Politics, Religion and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296-1337 (Cambridge, 1995), in English historical review
  21. M. Berg, A woman in history. Eileen Power 1889-1940 (Cambridge, 1996), in Economic history review 1997
  22. M. Bratchel, Lucca 1430-1494. The reconstruction of an Italian city-republic (Oxford, 1995), in American historical review 1997
  23. S. Pollard, Marginal Europe. The contribution of marginal lands since the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1997), in Economic history review 1999
  24. J. Ward, Metropolitan communities: trade guilds, identity, and change in early modern London (Stanford, 1997), in English historical review, 1999
  25. P. Squatriti, Water and society in early medieval Italy, AD400-1000 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, in Economic history review, 1999
  26. J. Thompson, Decline in history: The European experience (Cambridge: Polity, 1998) in Journal of economic history, 2000
  27. J. Day, Money and finance in the age of merchant capitalism (Oxford/Marlden: Blackwell, 1999) in Journal of economic history, 2000
  28. R. K. Marshall, The Local Merchants of Prato. Small Entrepreneurs in the Late Medieval Economy (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999), in English historical review, 2000
  29. Peter Hoppenbrouwers and Jan Luiten van Zanden eds. Peasants into Farmers? The Transformation of Rural Economy and Society in the Low Countries (Middle Ages-19th Century) in Light of the Brenner Debate (Turnhout, 2001), in Journal of Economic History 2002
  30. E. I. Mineo, Nobiltà di Stato. Famiglie e identità aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo: La Sicilia, (Rome, 2001), in English Historical Review 2004.

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