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Economic Psychology

Our expertise


Economic psychology in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science (PBS) brings together experts in social psychology and behavioural science who seek to understand and shape economic behaviours. Researchers in this field bring multidisciplinary expertise - along with cutting-edge research techniques such as Subjective-Evidence Based Ethnography (SEBE) that have paved the way for understanding human behaviour and perspective taking in context - to address some of the pressing issues in the world today, including ethical consumption, digital and smartphone use and behaviour change. 

Experts in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science work across the following broad themes and topics: 

  • Consumer psychology 

  • Environmental psychology  

  • Smartphone use and digital behaviours 

  • Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography (SEBE)

  • Installation Theory

Our research is anchored in a shared evidence-based approach that is theoretically informed and policy relevant.

Expertise in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science




Dr Fred Basso

Associate Professor

Areas of expertise: Consumer psychology; economic psychology; embodied cognition public health; social neuroscience.

Maxi Heitmayer 2020

Dr Maxi Heitmayer

LSE Fellow

Areas of expertise: ICT; social media; identity; domestication; political theory; SEBE; smartphone use; economics of attention.


Professor Saadi Lahlou

Areas of expertise: Social psychology; innovation; workplace studies; behavioural change; consumer behaviour; qualitative research; digital ethnography; text mining.


Dr Liora Moskovitz

Visiting Senior Fellow

Key areas of expertise: Social movements; organisation studies; prefigurative politics; collective action and collaboration; healthcare management; strategic practices; leadership and grassroots activism; framing & narratives; identity & agency; peacebuilding.