Selected publications
2023. “Caring for a responsible self: Migrant motherhood and the politics of reproduction.” Signs – Journal of Women in Culture and Society 48(4), 969–990.
2022. “Skilling race: Affective labor and ‘white’ pedagogies in the Chilean service economy.” American Anthropologist 124, 536–547.
2022. “Desired formality: Labor migration, black markets, and the state in Chile.” Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 94(Dec 2022), 115–128.
2018. “‘What if the worst happened?’ Life insurance in London as a two-faced technology.” Journal of Consumer Culture 18(1), 43–59.
Book Manuscript
(In preparation) States of Care: Affective Labor and Racism in Migrant Chile
Book Chapters
2023. Racialized positionalities: Ethnographic responsibility and the anthropology of racism and white supremacy. En Fumanti, M., C. Lynteris & M. Demian (eds.) Anthropology and Responsibility, pp. 128–146.London: Routledge.
2020. Buscando la regularidad migratoria en los márgenes del estado: Encuentros afectivos con la burocracia chilena. En Galaz, C., N, Gissi & M. Facuse (eds.) Migraciones Transnacionales: Inclusiones diferenciales y posibilidades de reconocimiento. Santiago, Chile: Social Ediciones.