Article - Word count
Article – 2,000 words (longer articles by arrangement)
Title - please include a title with the article
Subheads - include sub-headings where appropriate, to make the article more readable
Abstract/Summary - provide a summary of up to 100 words for all articles (other than snapshots)
Key words - submit up to 5 key words to accompany your article
References - Include a maximum of 10 references. Ensure that all references include relevant details. Incomplete references cannot be included.
Sample references:
Journal articles:
Lavis JN, Posada FB, Haines A, Osei E. Use of research to inform public policymaking. Lancet 2004;364:1615-1621.
Pawson R, Tilley N. Realistic evaluation. London: Sage, 1997.
Online documents:
OECD. The OECD Health Project: Health technologies and decision making. Paris: OECD, 2005. Available at:
*If there are more than six authors, please list the first three followed by "et al."
Jargon - Explain all specialist terminology. Not all readers be familiar with the acronyms of organisations - please spell them out or add a line describing their function.
Language - Use United Kingdom English. Provide Euro currency conversions when other currencies are used.
Format - email the article as a Word file to the editors David McDaid and Sherry Merkur
Attribution - send details of full name, position and organisation (including city, country) for the list of contributors
Contact details of author - Send an email address to be published on the article so that readers can make contact. Also, include a postal address for copies of the issue to be sent when it is published.
Contact editors
Email: David McDaid and Sherry Merkur
Post: Eurohealth, LSE Health, London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom
If accepted, the article will be edited and titles may be modified. A final proof will be sent to you for your approval or amendment before publication.