DaRe2THINK will test the hypothesis that DOACs are cost-effective in patients with AF at low or intermediate risk of stroke by using an ambitious and innovative approach.

LSE Principal Investigator: Dr. Dipak Kotecha
Start Date: 1 May 2020 (clinical trial delayed due to COVID pandemic)
End Date: 30 April 2025
Regions: UK
Keywords: Cost-effectiveness Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, Atrial Fibrillation

DaRe2THINK will test the hypothesis that DOACs are effective and cost-effective in patients with AF at low or intermediate risk of stroke by using an ambitious and innovative data-enabled approach through the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in Primary Care General Practices across England.

DaRe2THINK will follow a conventional output strategy for clinically-important RCTs, namely presentation of final results at a late-breaking session of a major international conference (e.g. the European Society of Cardiology Congress) and simultaneous publication in a top-rank, peer-reviewed journal. 

We envisage our results will be of major relevance to upcoming practice guidelines for the management of AF, including NICE and international guideline bodies.  However, DaRe2THINK will also be able to advise other researchers during the trial on our innovative processes (including screening, recruitment, technology-mediated outcome assessment and data validation). 

We will develop relevant toolkits and distribute these as open-source material.  In addition, we will cultivate skills, capacity and collaborative working within and between our partners that will encourage advancement and utilisation of these innovations for future research for patient benefit.

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Centre Manager +44 (0)20 7955 7392

Events, Comms & General Enquiries +44 (0)20 7107 5696


LSE Health, Cowdray House, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE