Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research

European Commission Funded Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research

Principal Investigator: Elias Mossialos
Researchers: Victoria Simpkin, Michael Anderson
Start Date: 01/12/2016
End Date: 31/01/2018
Region: Europe/Americas
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance, AMR governance, economics of AMR


This project will review the policies and actions on containment of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human health in the 28 EU member states, and selected non-EU OECD countries. This will include identifying and understanding what constitutes good governance in AMR.

A volume for publication will be produced jointly with the  European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the OECD, providing new insights on the economics of antimicrobial resistance. This will discuss the existing knowledge on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of policies to tackle AMR.

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