Dr Carsten Sørensen holds a BSc in Mathematics, an MSc in computer science and a PhD. in Information Systems from Aalborg University, Denmark. Carsten has since 1989 been affiliated with a number of Danish, Swedish and British institutions, and LSE since 1999. Since joining LSE, Dr Sørensen has studied the business and consumer impact of mobile and ubiquitous information technology innovations. For more than a decade Dr Sørensen studied organisational innovation with mobile computing (mobility@lse & enterprisemobilitybook), and since 2008 his research has focused in particular on the innovation dynamics of mobile infrastructures and platforms (here).
Dr Sørensen has published widely within Information Systems since 1989 in, for example, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Technology, and The Information Systems Journal. He has extensive experience as a Principal Investigator on a number of national, EU, and industry research grants in the UK and Sweden with budgets totalling more than £3million. Dr Sørensen is a Senior Editor for The Information Systems Journal and serves as reviewer for all the major Information Systems journals and conferences. He has consulted and conducted executive teaching with a range of large international firms and public organisations, such as Microsoft, Google, PA Consulting Group, IMF, Orange, Intel, Vodafone to name a few.
View CV (PDF)
Information Systems and Innovation Faculty Research Group