
Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright

A collaborative project to deliver an improved copyright consultation process

It's a consultation on consultations at a time when the landscape for copyright policy is increasingly complex and uncertain




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In the project Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright, a wide range of copyright stakeholders and members of the public have collaborated to produce a set of guidelines for copyright policy consultations. The aim of the collaboration is to more effectively incorporate a wide range of stakeholder voices into debates about copyright.

The project has three parts: stakeholder dialogues; a stakeholder workshop where ideas for a model are produced; and the production and presentation of the final model to the Intellectual Property Office. This website summarises the discussions from the stakeholder dialogues and workshop and provides a summary of our overall findings and recommendations. 

Watch a video summarising the background to the study here.

The discussion content is divided into different topics that can be explored through the links below: overall perspectives of consultations; purposes of consultation; the context for consultation; current consultation processes; what works well in consultations; challenges to consultations; and areas for improvement to consultations.

Alternatively, visit the following pages to find out more about our project findings: understanding consultations as systems underpinned by specific principles; and adopting a stakeholder-centric, deliberative approach to consultations

You can also go directly to our final recommendations for change, or download the Outcomes and Recommendations report, and the Policy Consultation Design and Evaluation Toolkit directly.  

In each of the summaries of the discussion content, we have included quotes from our dialogues, to illustrate the points being made. The quotes are presented in italics. All quotes are anonymised, and instead the speakers are identified by a two-letter prefix, where SH indicates the speaker is a stakeholder and PU indicates a member of the public. The numbers indicate the number of the dialogue (1-35 for stakeholders, and 1-10 for members of the public).