
Career Ambassadors

Alumni in the Workplace

If you’re an SPP student or alumnus looking for career support, the best place to start is with our alumni. The SPP can boast of a strong international community of over 2,000 alumni whose work impacts policy worldwide, and our alumni are very happy to share their insight with our community.

Through the SPP Career Ambassador initiative, our alumni and students are invited to read workplace testimonies from our alumni ambassadors – here you can find out more about working in the most popular career destinations of the SPP.  Many of our ambassadors are happy to talk further about their experiences, so please feel free to reach out.

If you are an SPP alumnus and would like to become a Career Ambassador at the School of Public Policy, please get in touch at

Individual Organisations

Bank of England

"I studied the MPA to pivot from the private to public sector and if I'm honest, one of the institutions I had in mind when starting the programme was the Bank, mostly because I see it as the apex of economic policymaking in the UK. Another reason why the Bank appealed to me is that it has a (well earned) reputation for robust analysis and a commitment to evidence-based policymaking and I've been fortunate enough to see that first hand since I joined. I work on the financial stability side of the Bank (thankfully, no interest rate decisions for me!) which has been at front and centre of numerous recent interventions and I really enjoy being able to see firsthand how decisions get made and how they impact the wider economy.

The main piece of advice I would give anyone is that you should be prepared to spend some time in an organisation like the Bank. I think the real value of getting experience at an institution like this comes with seeing the full lifecycle of a policy being developed, designed, negotiated, implemented and evaluated. At each stage there will be new issues, new considerations, new learnings for you to take with you in future careers, but that lifecycle can be long.

If, like me, you're going into the policy world as part of a bigger shift in your career, don't ever feel like your past life can't help you at all. I've used so many of the skills I've picked up in previous roles in my current position and that's definitely been a positive surprise so the main advice here is don't discount your own ability and experience just because it came in a completely unrelated field."

Hassan Nasser (MPA, 2020) 
Lead Policy Analyst - Bank of England

Hassan is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"The Bank of England is a fantastic place to embark on a career, where your work can have important policy impact. Its mission is to promote the good of the people of the UK through monetary and financial stability."

Joel Suss (MPA, 2013)
Research Data Scientist at the Bank of England

Joel is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


"Hi there, I'm Nishyo & I work at the Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)

I enjoy my role as a financial regulator and contributing towards wider financial stability. It's an interesting time at the PRA as we transition into our new role post-Brexit - from being a rule taker to rule maker.

We promote an inclusive work culture here - everyone's encouraged to bring their full selves to their work. We're very international and I work with colleagues from all across the globe. Our diversity in person, thought and experience is valued as a strength.

Read more about what we do online."

Nishyodhan Balasundram (MPA, 2021)
Senior Policy Analyst at the Bank of England

Nishyo is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

European Central Bank

I had joined the MPA programme with a deep interest in economic and monetary policy – and the MPA has further stimulated this interest and provided both the analytical skills as well as through the Capstone project with the Bank of England very tangible practical experience to well transition into a career in central banking.

Working at the ECB provides you with a unique perspective on the economy and financial markets and the opportunity to contribute to a wide range of stimulating, interesting and meaningful tasks. For instance, in my current role, I get the opportunity to delve into monetary policy implementation, banking supervision or payment system topics. Moreover, the ECB offers the possibility to collaborate in a truly supportive and multicultural environment and – together with like-minded individuals – advance European integration.

I would encourage any prospective applicant to continuously monitor the ECB’s vacancies page, where all positions are advertised, familiarize oneself in-depth with the respective business area and very concretely relate the acquired experience and skills to the specific profile of the position. 

Dominik Bodensohn (MPA, 2019)
Audit Analyst at the European Central Bank

Dominik is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"I have chosen a consulting career as I want to widen my exposure to different aspects of policies. While I work in health sector, consulting has exposed me to infrastructure and service financing policy, access, public-private partnerships, investment promotion, economic development, etc., in the sector. The very nature of the work allows one to interact with different stakeholders within and outside the sectors, especially with lots of inter-sectoral policy work. For example, climate change and health. This brings opportunities for exchanging ideas and constant learning for designing and implementing policies in different contexts. Consulting also exposes to managing projects -small to large scale, both value and teams wise.

To excel in consulting roles, one would need technical, project management, negotiation and writing and presenting skills, and to some extent selling. As one climbs the ladder, the role will change from playing a Consultant to a Manager to a Practice Leader role - in other words, creating/developing an independent economic unit in the large firm."

Aditya Duggirala (MPP, 2020)
Manager (Government and Public Services) at Deloitte

Aditya is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


"I joined Deloitte’s public sector consulting team to be able to use my knowledge and skills to provide support to the public administration on improving and developing public policies. Working for the leading firm on public sector consulting has taught me the importance of teamwork, commitment, and curiosity (don’t stop learning and getting out of your comfort zone!). At the same time, I’ve been able to work with top tier clients within the public administration on transformative projects such as planning the digital transformation of a public agency, designing a bottom up approach to execute the active labour market policies within a region, or providing support to design and execute a city’s business promotion plan.

I encourage getting into public sector consulting to those who would like to design, develop and improve public policies broadly, getting to work with an extensive range of public administration and types of public policies."

Marta Guillaumet i Olive (EMPA, 2020)
Manager (Public Sector - Strategy and Operations) at Deloitte

Marta is happy to talk further via LinkedIn


"As a partner at Deloitte, I am making use of the analytical skills and public policy knowledge I developed during my MPA at the LSE. I have a background in both the non-profit sector and as a civil servant, but I have experienced the greatest challenge and the highest impact here as a public sector consultant. Consulting is a unique profession and includes a wide range of disciplines. It's not for everyone but is a strong option for LSE grads who want to make a difference in the world."

Jeff Dennler (MPA, 2009)
Partner at Deloitte Canada

Jeff is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"I’m proud to be part of KPMG’s Technology Consulting practice, which supports clients with applying technology to solve business problem. This requires an understanding of leading technology solutions and business operations both. I enjoy constantly getting to challenge myself, learn, and grow as a professional. It is a highly stimulating and fast-paced environment, where I continue to apply the analytical and critical thinking skills I learned at the MPA.  

Professional services firms are highly competitive and demanding, which means that staff can quickly burn out without the right supports. To me KPMG Canada stands out by safeguarding individuals’ mental and physical health, for instance through initiatives such as the summer and winter refresh where staff receive additional paid time off. KPMG Canada was also one of the first organizations in Canada to have a Chief Mental Health Officer. This approach enables KPMG Canada to deliver world-class quality, but not at the expense of its people."

Knut Ulsrud (MPA, 2014)
Manager (Technology Consulting) at KPMG Canada 

Knut is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"I chose McKinsey, after more than 10 years of working for public sector institutions, because the firm gives me the opportunity to work for the public and social sector with a unique perspective. As an outsider, you can understand contexts and provide recommendations perceived as objective third-party advice. This allows me to improve things that I realize need change when working in the public sector but are constrained to change as an insider.

I enjoy working at McKinsey because it allows me to work on topics of my interest and move between projects with different scopes across sectors such as education, healthcare, banking, and the social sector, acquiring different knowledge and skills.

I highly recommend McKinsey for curious minds who thrive on being challenged. At McKinsey, we are constantly learning new things and integrating that knowledge to provide exceptional service to our clients. It's a dynamic environment that encourages growth and innovation, and it's perfect for those who are passionate about their work and want to make a real impact in the world. Moreover, the Firm offers a set of skills such as storytelling, quantitative analysis, client management, and leadership that will definitely help you excel in any other working context.

If you are interested in join the firm I would highly recommend to use you background and knowledge to show you´re unique and demonstrate that apart from fulfilling their expectations your have value added that might be of their interest. I you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out and I will be happy to give you some advice."



"As a Partner at McKinsey, where I focus on advising governments around the world, my Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the London School of Economics (LSE) has been invaluable. The program's rigorous coursework covered a broad range of topics, including economics, public management, and policy analysis, and its focus on real-world applications taught me how to apply theory to practical problems. The professors were world-class experts who challenged us to think critically and creatively about the most pressing issues facing governments today.

Now, I draw on the skills and knowledge I gained at LSE every day, whether I am advising a government on its digital transformation strategy or helping to design a new education policy. Overall, I would highly recommend the MPA program at LSE to anyone interested in working in public sector consulting. It gave me the tools I need to help governments around the world to create opportunities and impact."

Julian Kirchherr (MPA, 2012)
Partner at McKinsey


Zak Bekkali (MPA, 2021) Senior Business Analyst - McKinsey. Zak is happy to talk via email or LinkedIn.


"The OECD is a demanding and exciting place to work. For people with a dedication to public service, it is an excellent place to apply qualitative and quantitative analytical and diplomatic skills to creating new knowledge and helping governments provide better service to citizens.

My decision to join the organisation was based on my experiences at the LSE, Sciences Po and UCLA where I built my passion for nuances in policies and economic reform. Today, I principally advise 5 major G-7 countries in reform policies targeted at supporting rural places through innovation. A day in my life, includes drafting and analysis and networking with government officials, academic experts, business professionals and civil society actors.

I encourage students to take a holistic approach to their career development. It’s important to explore different competencies and experiences so that, despite gaining expertise in a few areas, you still can work well and understand the challenges of people who come from different backgrounds.

If you are a woman, or someone with a diverse background, don’t be discouraged by not being able to identify with people who are already in the field. Find a mentor, even if they are not doing the exact same thing as you. While you are at it, find a mentee and bring someone else up who may similarly be struggling."

Michelle Marshalian (MPA, 2011)
Economist and Project Manager at OECD 

Michelle is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

UK Civil Service

"Joining the UK Civil Service enabled me to apply the skills I have developed in the MPA in a real life environment. Critical has been my ability to effectively interpret evidence and work with analysts to inform advice put to senior officials and ministers."

Anna Nikolskaya (MPA, 2020)
Senior Policy Advisor at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Anna is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"After working in the private sector for 5 years, I decided to apply for the civil service. This to me felt like a very natural return to my masters degree in public administration from LSE. I found this to be a really interesting transition and 5 years later I find myself continuously stimulated by the intellectual and practical challenge of public policy making the UK government – it is a place where evidence, creativity, deep analytical thinking are very much valued.

If you feel like you want to make a difference to normal people, while also using the skills of your degree then I recommend you consider the civil service and especially the Department for Education. An employer that compared to many is also inclusive and placed wellbeing at the fore-front of internal policy.

To get in, I really recommend researching and understanding the job application process – it is specific and distinct from any other sector – having a model application and a very specific understanding of the process will be the single most helpful thing for getting the jobs. Best of luck!"

Cristina Inceu (MPA, 2013)
Strategy Advisor at the Department for Education

Cristina is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

United Nations

"In a three-month period last year the country where I am posted unraveled from a postcard-like destination to the first country in 50 years to ration fuel to ordinary citizens. How does public policy work in a situation like that? How do you respond? Working in an international organization like the United Nations compels you to find the answers. Equipped with the LSE SPP skillset, I was drawn to work for an international organization because I feel there is no greater service as an economist than tackling the world’s hardest policy problems to improve living standards for people around the world.

That said, as an economist I also know that labour markets are messy. A myriad of things can happen as soon as you click ‘send’ on that HR letter to the UN. As someone who applied unsuccessfully for more than one hundred jobs around the world following graduation, if I could tell you to do one thing, it would be to not worry about being ‘good enough’ or ‘qualified enough’ when sending your next application – send your next application and hope that this is the one where you get a small slice of luck, and keep turning in until the luck comes. I am still that same struggling post-graduate student from 5 years ago, and thanks to a small slice of luck I now have a UN card in my wallet. That’s true for so many of us. Hold onto that belief, and I think that’s as much as anyone can ask of you."

Dave Blackman (MPA, 2018)
Economist at the United Nations

Dave is happy to talk via email or LinkedIn

World Bank

"Two nuggets of wisdom: “ (1) Pursue your passion not job security; (2) Actively seek to challenge yourself [and disrupt your career] whenever you are getting too comfortable!

I joined the World Bank immediately upon graduation in 2010, with an LSE/Sciences Po dual MPA degree. I have since moved to different parts of this institution, both at Headquarters and in a country office. I am currently Senior Economist in the Office of the Senior Managing Director for Development Policy and Partnerships.

The most rewarding part of my career at the World Bank has been the ability to gain exposure into new regions and thematic areas over time, while contributing to WB engagement in client countries across the development spectrum. At a personal level, having the opportunity to renew my development perspective several times while remaining in the institution yet adapting to a fast-evolving global context affected by polycrises - has been a rich and humbling experience.

Working in the int’l development space was my goal when I applied at the LSE. The MPA has certainly prepared me for my career at the World Bank in many ways including, on substance — e.g. the attention to evidence-based policy making or political economy considerations, the strive for conciseness in policy analysis— as well as in terms the diversity of the student/professorial body."

Aminata Ndiaye (MPA, 2010)
Senior Economist (Office of the Senior Managing Director - Development Policy and Partnerships) at World Bank Group

Aminata is happy to talk further via LinkedIn


"As an education specialist, I experienced international organizations both from the employee (OECD) and consultant (World Bank) perspective. I decided to move from permanent position to freelancing to broaden my experience and promote my own ideas on education through university teaching, film making and book writing. What I appreciate about both organizations is that colleagues are competent and have a true interest in the substance. There is a lot of exchange and constant opportunities for learning and staying up to date on your subject. Also, the working atmosphere is polite and professional and people are always willing to share their knowledge. It is about sharp thinking, good arguments but also practical application to improve policies and not only advance science or theory.

To be successful in these spheres and to even join them in the first place, you need to be equipped with strong analytical and quantitative skills. Being able to read data and use quantitative evidence to make an argument or substantiate a recommendation is key in these organizations which focus very much on the economic side of things. Such skills will also distinguish you form the majority of people who only have an opinion, especially in the field of education. Also, access to these jobs is highly competitive. It is definitely an advantage to start getting acquainted with them early on, ideally in form of an internship during your university studies."

Kathrin Hoeckel (MPA, 2007)
Freelance Consultant at World Bank Group

Kathrin is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn



"Being a consultant can sometimes feel like being a psychologist for an organization: Clients come to you with a problem, and you help them solve that problem while identifying additional issues they can continue working on.

Management consulting is a fast-paced, complex, and highly demanding profession. It is also a highly stimulating one. This is because as a consultant, and especially in the area of technology consulting, you constantly have to remain at the forefront of your field to remain competitive and relevant to your clients. A strong consultant has a balance of technical skills and relational skills, alongside capacity for learning quickly. Learning quickly is critical to get up to speed with how specific clients work, so that you can provide services that are tailored to their unique context. However, this has to be done while demonstrating your technical skills, and relating to the client so that they see you understanding their challenges.

High workloads are common in consulting. Strict deadlines are an important aspect of this, as meeting deadlines will at times require working extra hours. That said, to thrive as a consultant it is critical to recognize when extra effort is needed, and when something can wait for the next day.

If you’re looking for constant learning, variable tasks, and are able to adjust to shifting requirements and at times extra effort then consulting could be a good fit. If you prefer a predictable work environment with set hours and consistent tasks you might find it challenging to work as a consultant."

Knut Ulsrud (MPA, 2014)
Manager (Technology Consulting) at KPMG Canada

Knut is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"As an LSE SPP alumnus, I am driven by my passion to positively influence policy making. Hence, I chose to work in strategy consulting for KPMG, where I have the opportunity to design, implement, and evaluate government policies that have a real impact on people's lives. Strategy consultancy globally provides a unique opportunity to work with government clients across sectors and geographies, making a meaningful contribution to the world's most pressing issues.

For those considering a career in this field, I advise developing a strong understanding of pressing policy issues, problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills. It is essential to stay up-to-date with current events and policy developments worldwide and cultivate a deep understanding of the political, social, and economic context in which policies are made and implemented.

I also encourage candidates to gain practical experience through internships with consulting firms, government organizations, and NGOs. Such experiences can provide valuable insights into the policymaking process and help you develop the skills needed to succeed in this field. In addition, I highly recommend taking advantage of pro-bono consulting opportunities offered by LSE's consulting community as a way to kickstart your career.

Above all, I urge anyone interested in this line of work to stay curious, open-minded, and committed to making a positive difference in the world. Working in strategy consulting can be challenging, but it is immensely rewarding when considering the long-term impact your contributions could have on society at large."

Mohannad Al-Shareef (MPP, 2021)
Associate Director at KPMG Saudi Arabia

Mohannad is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.

Climate Change & Environmental Agencies

"Rachel is a sustainability consultant at Altruist. She is also the Forests & Climate Strategy Lead for Natural Climate Solutions at TNC. She works to promote nature (i.e. restoration and avoided forest loss) as a tool for climate mitigation. She holds a Master in Public Administration from the London School of Economics, London, UK, and a BAS with honors from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Rachel has a wide array of experience working on sustainable development; building public, private partnerships; and developing and implementing environmental policy in the UK, the US, and Latin America. She has worked for organizations such as The Nature Conservancy; The United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; The United States Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget; and various global charities, notably the World Bank.

Rachel works on sustainability and climate issues because she knows that without solving the climate crisis, nothing else matters. She has been interested in this topic since she was a small girl- growing up in Northern NM where summers were dry and forest fires and droughts were constant. She believes we need an all hands on deck approach. The more smart folks (including those from LSE) who are working to solve this complex and multifaceted crisis, the better."

Rachel Pasternack (MPA, 2011)
Global Lead (Forests and Climate) at The Nature Conservancy and Sustainability Consultant at Altruist

Rachel is happy to talk further via LinkedIn


"I spent much of my time at LSE focusing on a simple environmental and behavioural campaign designed to reduce emissions from the second-largest source of global heating – Air Conditioning & Refrigeration. Not the sexiest stuff, but it’s a growing problem. At all opportunities I wrote my assignments on Air Conditioning and spent my spare time talking to experts at LSE and around London. I started Go25degrees: a campaign that aims to increase the default setting of AC to 25C in the subtropics. In 2022, as a result of Russia doing something silly Go25 was adopted in Italy and they could cut their emissions by 1.8% - bellissimo.

Unfortunately, a not-for-profit environmental campaign doesn't pay the student debt, so when the COVID pandemic ended our London-based experience early, I co-founded a company with a twist. I hung up my social science fedora and donned a real lab coat to invent some products that prevent new plastic production and reduce emissions by 95%; we then use the proceeds from each sale to collect ocean-bound plastic. Moving forward, I want us to become the world's first policy enterprise: where our proceeds are used to research and write environmental policy, and our customers are the agents and beneficiaries of change.

My advice for people going into this line of work would be:

+ Do it with someone else
+ Fully commit - no side-hustles
+ The only way to survive is through valued innovation
+ Have a relentless focus on unit economics
+ Only take experienced investors
+ On social enterprise / environmental start-ups
+ There has never been a better time to start an environmentally-focussed business"

Lachlan Hill (MPP, 2020)
Co-Founder at Tirtyl and Founder at Go25degree

European Institutions

"I have always been a strong believer in the European project and I have wanted to work for the European institutions for as long as I can remember.

There are multiple ways to join the service. I did it via one of the competitions, notably the so-called AD 5 generalist, which is quite similar to the UK civil service fast track. It has now a slightly different format than the one I did, but the basic point is the same: some 20-30 000 applicants (for some 120 places), multiple phases (computer-based tests - CBT, case studies, assessment day). The CBT has verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning, plus a situational judgment. I did not find the tests to be too complex in their logic, with the exception of the situational judgment (which I still consider a nightmare). However, less than 500 applicants pass to the next phase, which means every point counts: you should aim at > 90% correct answers during your preparation. I dedicated a good 8 months and quite a lot of my annual leave to prepare for it. Good news is, there are resources aplenty to prepare for these tests, mostly for a fee.

In the following phase, you will be expected to prepare a policy briefing based on a series of documents. In the third and final phase, you would spend a whole day at the EPSO office (pre-COVID, at least) for an interview, a presentation and a group exercise. In my case, it took 7 months between phase 1 and phase 7.

If you manage to pass it all, congratulations! But you're far from done. All you get is the access to the internal vacancies, same as any other civil servant in the same grade, for a period of time (one year). This is when previous jobs really help, although you need the university degree only to apply to AD 5 generalists. Reason being, once you see the vacancies, you then have to apply for any of them and, if shortlisted, go through its specific selection process (usually two interviews). It may happen that one of the services contact you directly (it happened to me three times); just make sure you do your due diligence (perhaps your CV is the perfect match for their vacancy, perhaps they cannot attract candidates or their turn-over is high; there may be a good reason for it!). I was lucky enough to find a place within the allotted time (one year), so I have no idea if the period would have been extended in case I had not found a suitable position.

If you have substantial work experience in a specific field, you may want to keep an eye on specialist competitions. They tend to start at a higher grade, usually AD 7, which means it is the CV screening that shaves off a lot of participants. The major issue here is that there may be none suitable for you for years.

If you want to have a flavour of the life of a European servant, notably if you do not have substantial work experience, whilst enjoying an Erasmus-like atmosphere, you may want to consider a paid Blue Book traineeship. It lasts six months, the selection process is much lighter, it gives you the opportunity to see how things are done here and to make yourself known, which is useful if you want to remain as with a temporary contract (code-named contract or temporary agents). Most temporary vacancies are visible from the intranet only and some are on call, so it does help to have a foot on the ground already.

Lastly, there is another macro-category of European servants below the ADs, which are called assistants (AST), which covers a big range of functions, from driver to technical experts. That is terra incognita for me but there is plenty of information on the EPSO website (same goes for any other role and competition).

In broad terms, that is it! I found the Institution a diverse and interesting place to work, and you may find a lot of opportunities to work on hot topics (COVID, energy crisis, EU-UK negotiations, just to name a few). If you are interested and you want to have a chat about it, please feel free to contact me."

Simone Buratti (MPA, 2012)
Project Portfolio Manager at the European Commission

Simone is happy to speak further via LinkedIn


"I wanted to work on policy from end-to-end - from policy design to implementation - and that’s exactly what I get to do at the Commission. Moreover, the opportunities to change policy fields are endless. I started my adventure at the Commission working on anti-corruption, spent years in Ghana working on development policy, and I now work as a specialist on pandemic response. I would highly recommend this career path to all those students who believes that “perfect” is often the enemy of the good."

Sebastiano Lustig (MPA, 2019)
Policy Coordinator (European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority) at the European Commission

Sebastiano is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


I had joined the MPA programme with a deep interest in economic and monetary policy – and the MPA has further stimulated this interest and provided both the analytical skills as well as through the Capstone project with the Bank of England very tangible practical experience to well transition into a career in central banking.

Working at the ECB provides you with a unique perspective on the economy and financial markets and the opportunity to contribute to a wide range of stimulating, interesting and meaningful tasks. For instance, in my current role, I get the opportunity to delve into monetary policy implementation, banking supervision or payment system topics. Moreover, the ECB offers the possibility to collaborate in a truly supportive and multicultural environment and – together with like-minded individuals – advance European integration.

I would encourage any prospective applicant to continuously monitor the ECB’s vacancies page, where all positions are advertised, familiarize oneself in-depth with the respective business area and very concretely relate the acquired experience and skills to the specific profile of the position. 

Dominik Bodensohn (MPA, 2019)
Audit Analyst at the European Central Bank

Dominik is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

Financial Services

"I chose to explore opportunities in the Sustainable Finance because I think it’s exciting to play a role in helping something transition from niche to mainstream. My MPA capstone experience with an impact-data organization showed me how much information was out there to research and analyse, and I saw how I could leverage my existing financial and regulatory experiences, and my MPA coursework skillset, to explore new ways to provide sustainability information to a wider variety of financial actors.

My advice for anyone exploring Sustainable Finance as a career path would be to absorb as much information as you can: that can come in the form of annual reports from impact investors, webinars by regulators and sustainability standards boards, or reaching out to someone currently in the space and learning about what they do. There’s still a long way to go to be able to drop the “Sustainable” title from in front of “Finance”, so I would recommend using that informational knowledge to find specific parts of the industry that align with your skills, experiences and goals."

Matt Billet (MPA, 2020)
Sustainable Finance Analyst at Moody's Corporation

Matt is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


"Since the early days of my career, I have been looking for opportunities to create a positive, long-term impact. I started as a Management Consultant in the Financial Services sector as I think this is one of the key sectors in every economy to drive development. After several years I decided to transition towards Development Finance/Impact Investing and to focus on markets outside of Europe - the MPP at the LSE helped me to initiate this transition.

Two years ago, I joined British International Investment. I manage the African and SE Asian FS portfolio and drive agendas such as Climate Finance and Food Security. I think DFIs offer a wide range of opportunities because they attract people from many different disciplines such Business Integrity, Development Impact, E&S, Finance & Investment, Legal. etc.

I really enjoy working along like-minded people who are also passionate about driving sustainable, long-term growth of businesses in emerging markets.  During my transition to DFIs I found people to be very engaging and happy to connect with, which helped me to navigate the market and eventually find the role I was looking for."

Anton Paukner (MPP, 2020)
Portfolio Manager (Financial Services Group) at British International Investment

Anton is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

Freelance & Founding Your Own Business

"Working in consulting and in the energy industry, I discovered over the years that my true passion was personal growth and empowerment. I started pro-bono coaching in my free time, and after three years of weekly coachings I quit my job, completed a certified coaching degree, and started my career as personal development coach.

Some savings from my previous jobs helped me approach my new job with patience and allowed me to invest time to develop a clear focus of my offer. Starting with two selected pro-bono clients, I focused on deeply understanding my future client’s challenges and needs and designed my own coaching approach accordingly.

My coaching style today definitely benefits from a little life experience, as well as my own 6+ years of work experience in different settings. It allows me to relate to different professional situations of my coachees. Also, most of my clients find me through my extended private and professional network.

I’d say the one most important step for self-employment is knowing your skills and finding your true passion. Once we see this clearly, we can trust and believe in ourselves – the rest will follow."

Julia Kropeit (MPA, 2013)
Freelance coach for personal and professional development

Julia is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.

Further Study & Academia

"The MPA provided the academic and theoretical tools to understand my own professional practice. I thought it was particularly interesting as I already worked in the field of higher education (in organisational audit and internationalisation). I did the dual degree MPA with Sciences Po, so had the benefit of not only learning from policy scholars in Paris and London but also observing two very different higher education sectors. I went on to do a PhD in Denmark (yet another HE system) and now work as an at the University of Manchester where I convene the higher education research group.

My concrete advice for those looking to move from policy to academic research is to enjoy (insofar as that’s possible!) engaging the academic literature and to take the MPA dissertation seriously. A strong dissertation is a good signal to potential PhD supervisors. And remember that going down an academic route doesn’t necessarily mean an end to policy engagement. I and others who did PhDs are still very active in public policy work."

Miguel Antonio Lim (MPA, 2010)
Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development

Migual is happy to connect via his website.

Government Organisations and Politics

"Coming out of the MPA program, I knew that I wanted to work in the public or non-profit sector. I was driven by a sense of “purpose” and was keen to find my niche in an area where I felt like I was making a difference.

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) has a wide range of meaningful and rewarding career opportunities in communities across Ontario. While there are fewer positions open to external applicants, once you are in the OPS you also have access to internal postings and it’s quite common for staff to take advantage of secondment opportunities in other ministries to develop new skills, grow their network and advance their career. 

In the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services in particular, I have had the pleasure of working alongside a number of highly-motivated professionals who are eager to apply their knowledge to drive transformational change that improves outcomes for Ontarians. We typically work with diverse, cross-functional teams so relationship-building and stakeholder management skills have been critical to the success of our projects."

Farah Bhanji-Mohamed (MPA, 2009)
Senior Delivery Specialist (Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services) at Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services

Farah is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


"I decided to study Public Administration and Public Policy because I wanted to make a difference politically. After my studies, this is what drove me towards the heart of where policymaking is made: the German parliament, the Bundestag. If you can imagine working for a Member of Parliament, there are three main pieces of advice that reflect my own journey and experience: First, having experience in the political field in your respective country, second, building up expertise in a specific policy field and third, not being shy of proactively looking for possibilities.

Having worked at the German political foundation affiliated to Green party before joining the Bundestag certainly helped because I gained substantive experience in discourses that lie at the core of organisations close to green values. I recommend gaining work experience in the political field - whether it be an internship in an MP's office, a political organisation or a party organisation you feel affiliated to. In addition, if you are interested in working as a policy advisor in parliament, it is useful to set an emphasis on a policy area. As MPs are associated with parliamentary committees and work as rapporteurs for the very specific policy issues they are responsible for, it is definitely an asset if you bring an expertise in the field of the MP you would like to work for.

As a last note: More people look for jobs than you would expect from the outside! Don't be shy to send unsolicited applications to places you feel encouraged to work for and use opportunities to exchange with people who work in the field."

Nina Locher (MPA, 2020)
Chief of Staff for Tobias B. Bacherle, Member of the German Bundestag (member of Bündnis 90/The Greens, the German Green Party)

Nina is happy to talk further via email or LinkedIn.


"My name is Andrea Ríos Serna and I am from Colombia. I am currently working as an advisor of the Macroeconomic Policy Department at the Ministry of Finance. This has been a great opportunity to experience first-hand how public policies are conceived and implemented. Besides, this job has taught me about the importance of the political economy behind every government decision." 

Andrea Rios Serna (MPA, 2020)
Advisor in the Macroeconomic Policy Department at the Colombian Ministry of Finance

Andrea is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.

International Organisations

"What’s like to work in an International Organization? In three words I’d say complex, competitive, and incredibly rewarding.

International organizations can be large bureaucracies of extremely well-qualified & highly-driven professionals – getting in is often tough, and the learning curve is usually steep (at the beginning and beyond). Degrees from top universities (such as LSE!), foreign languages, and field experience, paired with passion & patience, will definitely help with both recruitment and onboarding.

Yet International Organizations are also places that attract multiple talents, value diversity, and strive for results. You’ll likely find yourself surrounded by colleagues with incredibly varied backgrounds (economists and socials scientists but also anthropologists, engineers, legal experts and even doctors!), who operate in respectful work environments and lead projects that aim for real impact.

A few quick tips:

+ Be flexible: specialize in a field, and be open to update or change it – start off at HQ, but get ready for a country office,

+ Keep your eyes on the big picture: projects can be large hence take time to produce results – stay focused on goals, while working on tasks and learning your way through the admin 

+ Keep your mind (and soul) open: some spend their whole career at one organization and love it, others simply get stuck in it. If you feel that things are getting flat, inward-looking, or both, consider change – it’s a small world of big international entities out there, many doing really exciting work."

Carmine Soprano (EMPA, 2020)
Senior Economist (Trade & Gender/Youth Specialist) at The World Bank

Carmine is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.


"The Tony Blair Institute of Global Change works with leaders around the world with possibly the hardest task of all “how to get things done.” We work in over 37 countries globally, with around 850 people, and support highest level of government leadership on strategy, policy and delivery, unlocking the power of technology. I help shape and implement strategies across some of the key political and policy challenges of our time. We work on issues ranging from AI, biotech and climate change and I help identify primary challenges, define key policy actions, and how we build effective solutions for the highest levels in government.

Our central thesis is that technology has the potential to how government operates in the 21st Century: from how it uses data and technology to develop strategy and policy, right through to how it uses technology to deliver better outcomes in health, education and much more. We work on the belief that radical, but practical, policy is needed. This includes thinking about how emerging and frontier technology can be translated into a policy capability, in particular around AI today. 

The path of public policy holds the key to catalysing this transformative government change. The correct direction of travel across these challenges will not happen unless it shaped by the government.  I recommend my career path to anyone who possess a profound sense of public spiritedness and a genuine concern for the transformative power of the state in shaping the lives of citizens. 

Today, policy making at the highest level operates where political priorities converge with developmental imperatives, geopolitics and often hinge on the pivotal role of the private sector as a catalyst for change.

To flourish in this a dynamic sphere, some concrete advice is here: 

+ Private Sector Dynamics : A strong grasp of private sector direction of travel i.e, next wave of opportunities, global headwinds, tailwinds, is key.

+ Operational Insights: A hands-on understanding of the execution of public sector development programs is pivotal.

+ A Comprehensive Approach: Policy roles demands a holistic approach that weaves together political realities, socio-economic dynamics, and global considerations, aligning them to achieve transformative impact.

+ Adopt Propositional Thinking: Cultivate a mindset that is an 'incubator of ideas' and a provider of pragmatic solutions. Articulate your concepts in ways that elicit resonance, get people to ‘respond to’ and ‘enthuses’ people

+ Demonstrate Leadership: You should try to identify novel policy opportunities and present them with a real business case. That way you will distinguish yourself as a leader amongst peers.

+ Endurance is Key – Keep an unyielding mindset, a relentless spirit to win, and an unwavering capacity to endure is all distance between dreams from reality."

Prachetas Bhatnagar (MPP, 2021)
Head of Strategy & Operations at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Prachetas is happy to talk further via email.


"When done right, philanthropy has amazing potential to elevate changemakers, help scale solutions that work and foster sustainable change. As CEO of Be That Girl foundation, I get to support girls and women achieve self-determination in developing countries, working with exceptional community leaders on innovative solutions. I could not imagine a more satisfying work."

Ottavia Pesce (MPA, 2008)
CEO at BeThatGirl


"I work in the non-profit sector not only because of the meaningful work, at Save the Children our name is what we do, but also because of the passionate and talented colleagues. The common goal to ensure that all children survive, learn and are protected creates a special kind of true teamwork.

Getting an internship was and still very often is a gateway to a full-time position in the international development world. I did my internships at an Embassy and with UNOPS, but then decided to move closer to implementing programmes. So I joined Save the Children as a Programme Officer in the International Programmes Team. This meant a lot of travels to implementing offices in Asia and the Middle East and working on all steps of the grants management cycle. Save the Children is a big and dynamic organization and has allowed me to grow professionally. Nowadays, I work in Quality and Compliance at the CEO office, a completely different role from where I started.

Having more than one language and previous experience or a certificate in project or grants management in your backpack will be useful when applying. Another possible route is to acquire specific technical knowledge on education, health and nutrition, migration, disaster risk reduction or advocacy. Programmatic work, especially in humanitarian contexts, can be very challenging. It is therefore vital to be equipped with stress resilience, and to always keep an eye on your health and wellbeing."

Anina Maeder (MPA, 2013)
Head of Quality & Compliance at Save The Children Switzerland

Anina is happy to talk further via LinkedIn.