Sir Siegmund Warburg Scholarship

LSE is pleased to offer The Sir Siegmund Warburg scholarship which has been made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor.The scholarship is offered to Palestinian and Israeli students undertaking the full-time MSc in Human Rights or MSc in Human Rights and Politics programme at LSE to promote human rights in Israel and Palestine/Occupied Territories.


To be eligible for consideration for this award you must meet the following criteria: 

  • Applicant must be resident in Israel, Palestine/ Occupied Territories or Palestinian camps in Syria, Jordan or Lebanon.
  • Applicant must be studying a one year taught master's programme in MSc Human Rights or MSc Human Rights and Politics
  • Eligible applicants will be required to submit a personal statement in which they should demonstrate how they envisage putting their study programme to practical use and potential to engage in human rights work in the region.

Scholarship amount

There is one scholarship available.

The value of this scholarship is: 

  • Full tuition fees
  • £14,400 maintenance stipend

How to apply

Please find more information on our ‘How to apply for a scholarship’ page.