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Meet your department

The Department of Sociology

Studying sociology, especially at LSE, was one of the best decisions I’ve made. The Department has brilliant lecturers that are there to guide you and I’m thankful for their (literal) open doors. I know it’s cliché, but I genuinely found myself here.

Chinyere A Ogbue, BSc Sociology

Welcome to the Department of Sociology and congratulations on your offer to study with us. Here you can meet our students and staff virtually and find out more about the Department and your programme. Take your time to browse through the information and follow the links to our Department webpages to really get to know us.

We hope you can get a sense of what we as a Department are all about, from the comfort of your home, and hope to have you join us in September.

An introduction to sociology at LSE An introduction to sociology at LSE
Our academics introduce studying sociology at LSE

If you have any questions regarding your application then please contact the undergraduate admissions team.

Visit the Department webpages

Top three reasons why you should study sociology at LSE

  1. You’ll engage with critical issues in contemporary societies.
  2. You’ll develop key skills in research and analysis.
  3. You’ll study with leading sociologists in the field.

As well as the above have a read through the below message from the Director of Undergraduate Studies and watch our video which aims to answer the question "Are sociologists trying to change the world?"

Message from Professor Fran Tonkiss, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sociology Department

“The BSc Sociology is perhaps the most critical degree offered by the Department of Sociology: throughout a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops and numerous activities, we hope to inspire in you a passion for the discipline and the possibilities of the sociological imagination.

The degree is challenging: you will have to deal with new types of knowledge, collaborate with your peers in novel ways, and critically assess some of the most profound taken-for-granted assumptions of the modern world. It is, however, also a rewarding experience: you will learn to create, collaborate and think in new and critical ways.”

Are sociologists trying to change the world? Are sociologists trying to change the world?
Are sociologists trying to change the world? Our academics respond to this question.

You can learn more about us as a department on our departmental webpages.

Hear from our students

To find out more about what it is like to be a student in the Department take a look at our student voices blog posts, learn more about the LSESU Sociology and Social Justice Society, have a look at our suggested blog posts on student life below written by our students and read the below student testimonials.

Student life blog posts

Student testimonials

  • David Oliver, BSc Sociology Student: “LSE has been a game-changer. It is not only schoolwork, but also clubs and societies. There are countless groups you can join from the chocolate-aficionados society to the ultimate frisbee club. There are resources that can help you with whatever you are going through. I have been to LSELIFE to get help building my CV, to ameliorate my essays, and to get some advice on how to handle a tricky work-situation. And if times are harder than usual and you require some additional support, you can check out the counselling services or the peer support community which provide help to all students. Now you may think that LSE, being the prestigious institution it is, would be low on the nightlife. But that would be an incorrect assumption. There are weekly parties that reunite all students from all programs together.”
  • Farhana Aktar, BSc Sociology, 2017-2020: “My favourite thing about LSE Sociology is the cohort. Compared to other courses at the LSE we are a much smaller department which makes things from classroom discussions to academic support much more rounded. The Sociology department here at the LSE is a family where support comes from all quarters. We have events happening throughout the year such as our academic lunches, our Krispy Kreme Monday meetings in the common room and our Christmas party. Although to some this may feel small, I know for me it has helped me settle in better to the department and LSE as a whole.”
  • Akosuo Yeboah, BSc Sociology, 2015-2018: “Sociology at LSE is very broad and we cover many interesting topics, from studying the original texts of Durkheim and Marx, to debating the causes and impact of growing inequality in the UK. There is also a strong emphasis on developing independent critical and reasoning skills.”
  • Perdita Blinkhorn, BSc Sociology, 2014-2017: "All I can hope is that when future students come to study this discipline, they will realise that Sociology is not just in the words of books; it is in the real world, real people, every second of the day."
  • Amraj Lally, BSc Sociology, 2012-2015, Current PhD Student: "Studying Sociology at the LSE has been a great experience. It is an intense and independent pursuit, and an opportunity to gain a critical understanding about society and culture. There are a lot of resources and support available such as office hours with leading academics. The academics across the department are often generous with their time and support and this has personally enhanced my experience at university. ... The LSE Sociology Department in conjunction with the LSESU Sociology & Social Justice Society offer many opportunities to learn, interact and grow."
  • Umut Bektas, BSc Sociology, 2012-2015: “The programme is very flexible; it allows you to take outside options every year, broadening the student experience and your knowledge. LSE also has a wide range of optional sociology units ranging from more common areas like gender to more obscure subjects like digital technology.”
  • Zara Paul, BSc Sociology, 2008-2011: "I genuinely have a lot to thank the LSE for as I have gained so much in the past 3 years and developed myself to a such a great degree. When I first arrived at the university, I was very unconfident about my academic capabilities. However, the tutors and the lecturers embraced my qualities and strengthened my weaknesses, ensuring my grades could only improve. ... I worked solidly by attending office hours and skills lectures arranged by the university and my confidence grew through performing with the university shows, speaking up in class discussions and being forced into presentations! My friend network made me realise the triviality of my insecurities along with introducing me to a wide range of global lessons: Asian weddings, Ghanian food, Brazilian dancing! ... I could go on for ever!"

Virtual Undergraduate Offer Holders' Day

Watch the Department of Sociology offer holders' session from our Virtual Undergraduate Offer Holders' Day in April 2023: 

Watch the sociology subject taster session Watch the sociology subject taster session
Watch the sociology subject taster session

Find out more details about your programme

Click on the programme you have received an offer for to remind yourself about the detail of the course you have applied for including information on careers, programme structure, course choices and teaching at LSE.

Our research and events

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