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My Experience of MG101: Marketing

A blog article from Summer School Student Clarke Haywood.


5 min read

Looking back to almost a year ago, I am glad I decided to take MG101: Marketing at LSE Summer School. Before choosing my course, I spoke to friends of mine who attended LSE the year before me, and several of them recommended taking MG101. These recommendations, along with the fact I could gain credit at my home university through MG101, prompted me to enrol. I knew there were several subtopics within the area of marketing at my university and I felt that taking MG101 during the summer would expose me to some of these, and allow me to decide what subtopic I wanted to enrol in at my home university. I am currently enrolled in digital marketing back in the US, and I do not think I would have taken this class at my home institution had I not taken MG101 at LSE.

MG101 helped me in my undergraduate degree by not only adding credit to my degree transcript, but also by exposing me to diverse course content. Marketing is a mandatory class for my undergraduate degree, so taking MG101 immediately fulfilled this requirement. This class also sparked a greater interest in marketing, which was part of the reason why I decided to take digital marketing this semester at home. Both MG101 and my digital marketing classes contributed to my overall learning and helped me to develop a wide range of skills that have contributed to my learning.

I believe others should take MG101 because it provides a solid understanding of marketing, but also is a great opportunity to meet and connect with other students from across the world. MG101 was a great way to be introduced to marketing through both learning the concepts during lectures, and breaking them down and applying them to case studies during seminars. Lectures were helpful for understanding the basics, such as what marketing means and several examples of it, and the seminars provided us with in-depth examples that we discussed and applied our own knowledge to. The discussion led seminars meant I was able to talk to new people and learn from them. Working with others I had not previously known strengthened my collaboration skills, and I was able to work together with other like-minded people and created strong friendships from this class.

I learned a lot from both the actual content of the classes, but also strengthened other skills such as case study analysis, team work, and confidently presenting my arguments. The case studies were interesting, modern, and I enjoyed working in groups during seminars and answering the questions. We read the case studies the night before, and answered the questions and presented our findings to the rest of the students during class discussions. Having case assignments in MG101 helped prepare me for different case readings that I had this year at my home university. Understanding how to properly analyse each case and come away with key takeaways provided a better background knowledge that I would not have had without MG101.

Going into MG101, I did not know anyone who was enrolled in the class. However, once I attended a couple of lectures, I met new people and found out that several attend my home university. Whenever I see them on campus, we tend to talk to each other and catch up. The students, both on MG101 and across the LSE Summer School programme, are all friendly and it has been great to learn with other like-minded students. I formed new friendships with several peers in my seminar and we would occasionally grab lunch between classes.


This blog was written by one of our 2023 Student Ambassadors, who are here to share their stories and help you understand the summer school experience at LSE.