Theme 6: Political Leadership and the New Normal: Developing transboundary crisis leadership capacity


  • Collect, compare and analyze findings of the TransCrisis projects
  • Offer a final assessment of crisis management capacities in the EU
  • Complete the crisis management capital index
  • Formulate prescriptions for practitioners
  • Validate findings and formulate suggestions for further research

Transboundary crises make up the ‘new normal’ that the EU faces today and in the future. The world of crisis is increasingly transboundary in nature. This project brings together the empirical findings from the research-based projects. It will develop a comprehensive overview of the key resources and challenges that emerge from the findings of the different projects. This project completes the crisis management capital index developed in Project 1. This will facilitate a sustainable instrument to survey the capacities of EU governance for future research. The project formulates prescriptions for practitioners, which have been validated by our experts and be published in a White Paper. It also offers suggestions (aimed at academics and the Commission) for further research.

Theme co-ordinator: Arjen Boin, Crisisplan

The TransCrisis research themes:

Themes: Introduction

Theme 1: Understanding transboundary crisis management

Theme 2: Studying political leaders in the financial crisis

Theme 3: Political leadership, EU institutions and transboundary crisis management capacity

Theme 3.1 Crisis Management Capacity in the European Commission, Council of Ministers, and Council of the European Union

Theme 3.2 Crisis Leadership in the European Parliament

Theme 3.3 Political Leadership in EU agencies

Theme 4: Interaction between EU-national administrations in times of crisis

Theme 4.1 Political Leadership and Crisis Management Regimes

Theme 4.2 Managing the Immigration Crisis

Theme 5: Political leadership, national politics, and transboundary crisis management

Theme 6: Political leadership and the ‘new normal’: developing transboundary crisis leadership capacity